Klaus Mikaelson - Broken friendship

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"Do not make me say that again, love." Klaus put his hands in his sides and cocked his head while he looked at you. "I am sure I was very clear in what I asked of you. If you can't deliver on that, why do you dare to show your face here? I'm in the middle of a crisis. I have better things to spend my time on than to bicker with you."

"As usual.", you sighed. "There's always a crisis, Klaus. If you manage to solve this one, there'll be no doubt one lurking right around the corner. I know how this works."

"If?", he replied offended. "You meant to say when, of course. I bested Marcel, I bested the witches, I have no doubt that eventually I will conquer our first sired. Now... about what I ordered you to get. Did you get it?" He stepped towards you, intimidating as ever. Not that he managed to intimidate you. Most of the time, at least. There were times he managed to even scare you. Now could be one of those times...

"You always seem very sure that I want to be your errand girl, Klaus. What if I have a few demands of my own?" You had done what he had asked you to do. He hadn't been able to get into the house of one of the witches to get a talisman Freya apparently needed, you had. You just liked to make Klaus sweat a bit. And you wanted to call him out on taking you too much for granted.

"Do not play games with me, sweetheart. I'm not in the mood for it. And you know like no other what can happen when I am in no mood for what you want." He cocked his head, giving you one last chance.

"Come over here and make me." The moment the words left your mouth, you knew it had been a bad idea. Apparently the threats of the Trinity were more intimidating than you thought they were. This had not been the time to play games, as Klaus had already warned you. The next moment, you felt yourself pressed to the wall, Klaus' hand around your throat.

"Happy to oblige, love...", he grinned. Not one of the grins that introduced an afternoon of fun the two of you had spent, something that felt like a lifetime ago. No, the type you had seen him use on his enemies. "Now hand me the bloody talisman before I have to take it off your cold, dead body. You might be my friend, Y/N, but so was Lucien. So was Aurora. Friendships can change..."

You put your hand in your pocket and took the talisman out.
"Here it is. I got it, really. I just... I wanted my friend back. Not just the scheming hybrid."

Klaus released your neck the moment you handed him the locked.
"I don't have time for friendships when my life and the lives of my siblings are in danger, love. I'd be happy to sit down and remember old times when this all is over. Until then you either make yourself useful or you disappear from my sight. Do you understand that?"

You nodded while you massaged your throat. It had hurt, really hurt. Maybe more because you had thought him your friend than that the actual, physical hurt.
"I understand. I hope you'll have my phone number saved in that case, Klaus, because I don't think I'll be passing by anytime soon."

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