Klaus Mikaelson - Paranoid

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"What do you know!" Klaus was pacing in front of you, clearly not satisfied with the answer you had given him. 

"There must be more you can give me, Y/N. And I advise you to do it quickly, or I might have to resort to means we are both not going to appreciate."

You scowled. You were pretty sure you were the one who was going to hate it the most. He might pretend like he didn't like hurting you, but if he was willing to that on a hunch, you didn't believe anything he said about a possible friendship.
"I told you what I heard, Klaus! And if you don't believe that, that's your problem, but I'm not going to stay here to become one of your next victims while you pretend to be the victim."

"But I am the victim! You can't just barge in, telling me about some conspiracy against my life, only to leave it at that. I refuse to believe that is all you know." He turned on you and for one moment that scared you.

"So you'd rather have me not saying anything at all? Because that's what's going to happen, ok?" You started to become angry as well. If this was how Klaus decided to treat his friends, you understood why he had so little of them left. "Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It's annoying!"

That did get his attention and he sat down, still not as calm as you would want him to be.
"What you just told me does contradict that, Y/N. A lot of people do seem out to get me." He shrugged. "And all I want to do is prevent them from succeeding. As much as I loved this city, it turns out to be my downfall..."

You shook your head, trying to relax a bit now for the first time since you had told him about the threat he didn't seem ready to tear your throat out.
"I don't want them to get what they want too, ok? That's why I came to you. You're not making that very easy if you're killing the messenger... there are people who mean well, but you can't treat them like they don't. That way everyone will stand against you..." It had happened before, even with his own family. Klaus had pushed away everyone that hard, that he had been the one to fulfil his own worst fear.

"I know, I know..." He took a deep breath, calming himself down more every minute.
"You mean well. My family means well. But every time I think I can trust someone, they end up betraying me. My parents, Lucien... they all pretended they meant well with me, except perhaps my father, and they all turned on me in the end. Who says you won't be the same?"

"Me...", was the simple answer you could give on that. "And no, that's not a guarantee. No one can get that. Look at you... you were this close to killing me or hurt me, just because I gave you news you didn't like. How should I be able to trust you again? Why should I come to you, the next time I hear something?"

"I..." He started, already raising his hands to start off one of his big lectures, but dropping them immediately. "You might be right, love. I do apologize..." Then he laughed. "And that is a rare occasion indeed. Well... how about we try to find out more about this new conspiracy you are so certain exists?"

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