Klaus Mikaelson - "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."

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"Klaus, listen to me!" You had stormed into the Mikaelson compound and positioned yourself in front of the Originals Hybrid to make sure he wouldn't run away, like had done the last three or four times you had tried to talk to you. "You're avoiding me and I really want to know why!"

"I'm afraid it'll have to wait a bit, darling. I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.", he said at that almost nonchalant sing song tone you got quite familiar with over the last few days. He put a hand on your shoulder to gently nudge you to the side so he could pass, but you didn't move.

"Like the last times you told me? You're always busy, Klaus. I get it, you're busy, but that doesn't mean you get to avoid everyone who you don't want to talk with." You put you fists in your side and cocked your head while you looked at him. "Or are you going to deny that you're avoiding me as well? Even Elijah was wondering lately if I had disappeared because he hadn't seen me around in a while. What's up, Klaus?"

Klaus rolled his eyes slightly. "What is happening, is that my bloody enemies are closing in on me. I don't have time to socialize, Y/N. As much as you don't seem to understand that." He sighed. "Maybe you or even Elijah don't seem to understand the importance of my survival, but I do."

"I do understand." Of course you did. You had helped before and you didn't like Klaus going on some kind of solo mission. That never ended well. "I just know you have a lot more chance on survival if you would let people help for once. It worked out the last time..."

"Not this time, sweetheart... and not you." He turned his back to you, refusing to look at you.

"Why..." You didn't understand. You had stood by his side every time he had asked you to and even when he hadn't... "You know I will help... I've always done that."

"What do you want to hear?", he answered, his voice less secure than it had been before. "That I think I'm in love with you and that thought alone already terrifies me?" He turned back to you. "Because I can't admit that. Not now. It would be too dangerous for everyone." He was silent for one moment. "You should forget I ever even said that, for all our sakes....", he said, before disappearing, leaving you utterly confused.

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