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"Okay now we have a little situation." Erza held the bridge of her nose. "What is it mom?" Rosemary tapped on her mom's shoulder. "You know that S-Class quest you weren't supposed to go on? Well the clients said you didn't solve the problem, you made it a whole lot worse." All 8 of them dropped their jaws, "And now, the other S Class wizards are gone on other quests. So I'll have to trust you all to go on this quest." Erza shivered and all of them were so excited.

"But that doesn't mean you can do what you want! The clients also complained about your reckless behavior! So listen to them and make sure to NOT over do it." Lucy finished. "Yes mom." Nash and Luna responded in unison. "You leave tomorrow morning, at the first light of dawn. And I'm warning you, DO NOT SCREW ANYTHING UP." All of the parents said altogether, as the teenagers grinned evilly at each other.

--The next morning--

"What was this quest about again?" Luna pursed her lips struggling to remember, while putting a leather luggage in the back trunk. "Seriously Luna? We only did the quest two weeks ago!" Nova arched her brow.


"Please! Help us! At the top of that mountain-" the demon pointed to not just a mountain but an active volcano. Luna grinned, her stomach grumbling. "-there's a Lacrima that's making everything shrink!" The demon woman cried and pointed at her house, which was now the size of a mushroom. Then the woman took something out of her pocket, it was a small girl. "This is my daughter! Please we'll do anything!" Rosemary nodded as she motioned for her friends to follow her and scale up the volcano. On the way up, they saw a small crystal floating in the sky, repeatedly zapping things like a ray gun.

"Umm what do we do?" Reiki panicked as his shirt shrunk, tearing away slowly. Rosemary raised her sword ready to strike the crystal, but it shrunk her shirt as well, she yelped and quickly requipped into her mother's old 'Nakagami Armor' before anyone noticed, but almost everyone did. Storm had definitely noticed and had a serious nosebleed in the background.

"Ice make-" Storm started a spell but was cut off when he was shrunk, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Luna came out of no where and punched the crystal down into the volcano, everything was silent. Then Luna put her hands on her hips. "Problem-solved." She grinned as Rosemary and Nova looked at each other uncomfortably.

-End of Flashback-

"Ohhhhhh I remember now! But what went wrong? Everything seemed perfectly fine. I mean that old Porlyusica managed to get Storm back to regular size." Luna swished her hand in the air closing her eyes. "Lu, you basically dropped the Lacrima in lava, and Lacrimas can withstand anything." Nash gave Luna an are-you-serious look, she just smiled nervously. "I wonder if it's still shrinking things." Valeria wondered. Rosemary and Reiki shivered remembering the incident.

-At Galuna Island-

All the dragon slayers were throwing up in bushes from the boat ride here, and as usual, Reiki and Rosemary overpacked. They spotted the villagers, but now half of them were shrunk. "Um, hello! Again..." Storm waved nervously as all the villagers stared at them pissed. "Just in case you screw this over again, we hired another group of mages to go with you." The client who had a shrunken daughter pointed to some other group of teenagers. Let's just say that this group of Fairy Tail mages knew the other group fairly well.

"You hired-" Rin started to speak when Slyvia interrupted him, "Sabertooth?!" The demos nodded as the Sabertooth members recognized Fairy Tail. "Fairy Tail." One of the sabers spoke up, she had white hair, blood red eyes and lips with porcelain skin. "Yo! TigerLily! Long time no see!" Reiki and Rosemary slung their arms around her neck, scruffing her hair messily. "Rose. Reiki." TigerLily said uncomfortably and kind of annoyed. "I am the beast, and you are the beauty, dearest Rosemary Fernandes." Another member kneeled on one knee in front of Rosemary holding out a red rose.

"Oh...hi...?" Rosemary smiled nervously then leaned to Reiki's ear. "What's his name again?" She whispered to him, Reiki rolled his eyes and whispered back, "Tatsumi." Rosemary nodded, "Oh hi Tatsumi." Tatsumi rolled in the ground drowning in happiness, saying, "She remembered my name! She remembered my name!"

Rosemary took the rose but dropped it really quick. Tatsumi stared at her, "Something wrong my dearest flower?" She winced and looked at her hand, "Oh it's just that, the flower had sharp thorns in it and I cut myself." Her hand was grazed with scratches and a few dews of blood. Tatsumi cried in shame of himself. "Here." Rosemary turned to Storm who smiled and gave her a napkin, she smiled back and took it. Tatsumi pursed his lips and glared at Storm with jealousy and Storm just backed out. "Damn it Tatsumi! Your poetry act is so useless! We're here to get the reward! Not stand around and try to 'woo' some girls!"

Another teenage boy stepped up, he was Tatsumi's slightly older brother, Nakrani. They both had light blonde hair, and copper eyes. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me big brother!" Tatsumi started bowing as his brother rolled his eyes and pulled him up. "Just shut up and try to help us." Tatsumi's brother said seriously and Tatsumi nodded quickly. "Nakrani!" Rin and Slyvia yelled and tackled him to the ground, Nakrani layed in defeat and groaned annoyed. "Fullbuster twins. Typical. Dad told us all about Fairy Tail." Nakrani stood up and dusted himself off.

"You guys are Sting and Yukino's kids right?" Nova put her hands on her hips and smiled, the two brothers nodded. "Yeah and we were the ones who had to repaint the guild when you lot defaced it." All Sabertooth members crossed their arms giving them the stink eye. Luna, Reiki, and Storm chuckled nervously. "Whatever, that's in the past. Let's just solve the problem and go our different ways, Kay?" Rosemary grinned and she started to climb the same route up the volcano they went last time.

--About 3 hours later--

"Now what did you guys do that supposedly made this worse?" TigerLily looked at Luna and she shrugged her shoulders. They arrived at the top and now there were several smaller pieces of Lacrima floating in midair, repeatedly zapping things. "Oh. That's how." Valeria said staring at various pieces zap a bunch of boulders. "A Lacrima was made to be invincible. What on earth broke it into a million different pieces?" Nakrani tapped his chin. "Did you guys even ask the villagers where the Lacrima came from?" They shook their heads as Sabertooth face palmed simultaneously.

As they face palmed, a burst of lava shot up, followed by a deep roar. "Eek!" Sylvia, Rin, and Storm whined and hid behind a rock. "So warm!" Sylvia cried. "Sounds like it's coming from in there." Nova pointed to the inside of the volcano, everyone followed Nova's finger pointing to the dangerous active oven. "Um guys, take a look at this." Everyone jerked their heads to the sound of Gale's voice who was standing by what looked like a cave entrance. They walked to the opening and saw a very dark staircase.

"Awesome! Let's go in!" Luna's eyes sparkled with adventure as she started to walk in but Reiki grabbed her wrist. "Wait. Who knows what could be down there." Luna rolled her eyes, "Rei! Come on! You'd go down there but you're being soft cause your sister's here!"

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! I CAN BE TOUGH!" Rosemary huffed and stomped her way into the cave opening. Reiki released Luna's wrist as he chased after Rosemary. Luna motioned for everyone to go in, and they all followed after Reiki and Rosemary leading the way. Luna and Nash lit the way by having a flame in the palms of their hands, the staircase was long, and they started complaining about the way back up.

A long way to go...

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