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"Hey big brother! Hope you're still watching from up there! It hasn't been raining for about a year now... You doing okay?" Sylvia, the blunette bubbly girl, 18 (Yep it's been two years), never fully celebrating her birthday without a second cake for her brother. She smiled, putting a hand above her eyes as she stared up at the bright, cloudless sky, the sun slightly binding her vision. She got no response, she ignored it, she hasn't gotten a response ever. She put her hands on her hips, and kind of dug lightly with her worn out leather boots, and pouted her lips, maybe she was done waiting. She looked back at the gravestone, the letters still looking freshly engraved, she didn't let a single weed consume to stone, she came every other Sunday to maintain the grass and flowers she grew around it, lovely purple French Hydrageas.

"Let's go Syl." Sylvia looked up, shaking out of her thoughts and saw Nova, her much longer wavy hair put into pigtails that reached her waist, Nova's electric blue eyes smiled, and she held out her hand, Sylvia ran over to her and took the hand, tilting her head into Nova's shoulder as they walked together back to the guild, the streets bustling.

Nova put her hand in the door about to push it open, when it slammed open, making Sylvia jump in her boots and Nova slightly widen her eyes and sigh in annoyance when she saw-

"YOU TWO-I'LL STRANGLE YOU BEFORE YOU CAN SEE YOUR CHILDREN!" Storm, Nash, and Gale were seen dashing out the guild with terrified looks written all over their face. Storm's pitch black hair now side swept to the right, but still showing off his blue sapphire eyes, he lost his baby face, getting a more muscle build. He wore a heavy gray winter coat with silver fur on the hood, black jeans, and a white polo underneath, and black combat boots. Nash hadn't changed at all, still his ruffled mess of blond hair, his face always seen to be a tinted red, and freckles littered on his cheeks and nose, Nash tugged on his scaly scarf, adjusting his red tail coat and white baggy pants, tripping up on his sandals. Gale tackled a new look. Starting to outgrow his hair, it was tussled, wild, and to shoulder length only, it was taking its time. He had 5 piercings on his nose, and a ring through his bottom lip, wearing all leather, everything, leather.


"I'M SORRY!" Storm scolded Nash who almost dropped the cheesecake packaging on the ground, Nash swerved his arm upward, holding the box above his head as he ran.


"STORM YOU BETTER PRAY TO MAVIS I'M NOT SUFFOCATING YOU IN YOUR SLEEP! THAT'S MINE!" Nova scowled, but still chuckling, as she saw Reiki and Rosemary run out, Reiki's features grew even more muscular, his jawline became sharper, but the same blood red hair and tattoo on his left eye, he pushed back his black tailcoat, and zipped on his knee high boots while running out, stuffing a couple bills in the pocket of his white pants he won from a bet. Rosemary's hair grew insanely, her fishtail braid stretched to her thigh, her face became less childish, her cheekbones was raised, and her nose still sharp, her skin fair, and almond eyes. She angrily slipped her exposed arms into a light brown cropped leather jacket, with a black crop top inside and a Navy Blue high rise skirt, with thigh high black heel boots. The two came out with a menacing homicidal look as they ran out together with a sword in their hands.

"GET BACK IN HERE!" Valeria yelled in a squeaky voice, he thrown hair was sprawled across her shoulders and her orange eyes always popping. "HURRY IT'S RAINING!"

Nova grumbled, running into the guild Hall with her hands over her head, hiding her head of hair. Valeria waited for the five to come back, they returned, Storm, Nash, and Gale all had a bruise or two here and there, Rosemary and Reiki walked back in, heads head high and proud. Rosemary jogged up to Storm and put and arm over his neck, bringing it down to her level then riffling his hair, he winced as Rosemary then pulled at his hair complaining how the cake was smashed. The boxes of cakes safely in Reiki's arms. Sylvia smiled, stepping in, but hesitated, stopping in her tracks. She looked up at the sky to the falling drops of water, she held her palm out feeling the water pour onto her.

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