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What do you guys think? I made a new cover including the RP and Rin's comeback :)

What do you guys think? I made a new cover including the RP and Rin's comeback :)

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Plz tell me if u like it thx

Sorry I didn't update lmaoo, my phone got fucked up

"Now. I need to prepare you all for August. There is only one way to beat him, I've heard the ultimate powers of a mage. That leads me to thinking that there is a mage in this time that will have the powers to beat someone that's stronger than Zeref ever was. There's a way to find this person, and that will happen on a specific day. I know this because it's all happened before, the person who will find this powerful mage is the mother of all dragons. In my time, that was Erza's mother. And in this time, I believe it is Rosemary who will be responsible for that." Everyone looked at Rosemary, who gulped nervously.

"Rosemary will find this mage on the date of 7/7, counting today that's 12 more days until this mage is found. Until then I plan to train all of you to help this mage as much you can during the Grand Magic Games. August is incredibly powerful, and he will be as strong as I remember. My one fear is, there will be no one there to defeat him. And that's why I need the best team to stop him." Mavis smiled, referring to them, and they all processed the information and were ready to take this man on.

Valeria cleared her throat, and questioned, "Why will the mother of dragons find the mage? What's with this mage?"

"this mage, is the Dragon Queen."



It was time for everyone to go to bed, except the red ties. Their day was about to begin. Their day was far different than the others normally scheduled. Rosemary sat on one of the benches, in a garden full of untouched peach and white roses, thorns covering the stems. She buried her face in her hands, sitting stiffly on the stone bench, combing her scarlet hair back, twirling the ends on her finger. She kept fidgeting around like that for half an hour, doing nothing but watching the sun climb the sky and leak golden drops onto the garden, brightening everything.

She recalled what Mavis told all of them earlier, Rosemary will find this mage on the date of 7/7, counting today that's 12 more days until this mage is found.

She wanted to cry.

"Are you okay?" She looked over her shoulder to see K and Sylvia approaching her. She didn't reply or anything, just looked back at her hands.

"Mavis barely knows anything about this whole process of me finding the dragon queen how are we so sure that it'll be easy?" She pondered her thoughts, letting her mind slip through her lips.

Fairy Tail The Next Generation [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now