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Everyone yelled at the same time, Storm and Reiki were screaming like little girls at the top of their lungs. The ground was continuously rumbling with every footstep the dragon took, which was causing the entire cave to start collapsing. "WATCH OUT!" Nova pointed to an avalanche of both boulders and crystals hurdling from the ceiling towards the only entrance, and exit. "We can make it! Just run faster!" Tatsumi said trying to bolt forwards, "STOP!" Nakrani pulled back his brother's wrist, stopping him dead in his tracks as the dragon's tail pounded down to the ground in front of them, blocking the exit.

"What do we do now?!" Sylvia panicked, everyone looked up to see the dragon's head directly above them, opening its massive mouth. The dragon stood on it's hind legs, it's chest huffing inhaling the air. The giant beast then unleashed a hail of blinding blue light, to be stopped by two red heads.

"ADAMANTINE ARMOR!" Both of them yelled and requipped into the all metal armor, with a shield attached to the gauntlets. They jumped in front of their friends and pushed the shields together and dug it deep into the ground, holding in place deflecting the blue ray coming from the dragon's mouth. "Be careful you'll lose all your magic!" Nash yelled worryingly, "IT'LL BE EVEN BETTER IF YOU HELP US OUT HERE! LITTLE SIS HERE IS GETTING A BIT TIRED!" Reiki yelled, still holding the shield in place with all his force.

"AM NOT! THE ONE WHO'S TIRED IS YOU!" Rosemary exclaimed, "DON'T WORRY I GOT CHU!" Nova yelled as the two Fernandes kids started breaking apart their shields, getting out of the way for, "LIGHTNING DRAGON ROAR!"



All five Fairy Tail dragon slayers combined their dragon slayer magic together, creating a direct line of fire, fighting back the Lacrima dragon's blue death ray. "ITS NOT ENOUGH!" TigerLily yelled, "POISON IVY, VINE WHIP ATTACK!" TigerLily put her hands together and vines with sharp black thorns started stretching out from her palms, joining the Fairy Tail attack. "WHITE DRAGON-"


"ROAR!" Both Tatsumi and Nakrani said their incantations at the same time, and yes, Tatsumi's mother and father are Yukino Agria and Sting Eucliffe. While Nakrani's mother and father are Kagura Mikazuchi and Rogue Cheney, although they're not related in blood, they both consider themselves brothers.

"WE HAVE TO JOIN IN THE FUN!" The Fullbuster family yelled, Rin and Sylvia shot multiple beams of water while Storm threw streams of ice towards the fight. "REQUIP! HEAVENS WHEEL!"

"REQUIP! PURGATORY ARMOR!" Rosemary changed into her mother's old 'Heaven's Wheel armor' while Reiki requipped into Purgatory armor (Imagine like a male version of that armor). "ALTAIRIS!" Reiki shouted and whisps of yellow light shot out from his hands. Rosemary cast the swords to start spiraling around the beam of light fighting the dragon.

Their attack started working, pushing back the Lacrima dragon back. Until the dragon stepped forward, it's lazer of light consuming the mages' magic. "ITS NOT GONNA WORK!" Luna screamed in fear, everyone's eyes widened to see the blue ray coming closer and closer, until it met them face to face with an ugly explosion.


Everyone was bracing themselves for impact, closing their eyes. But what was surprising was that nothing ever came at all, Gale examined his body, and it was untouched. Everyone else were wondering what happened, they looked over to where the dragon should have been standing, but it wasn't there. "Ro...." Reiki looked over to see his sister not moving, not even breathing, with her eyes shot open. "Oh sweet Mavis." He mumbled running over to her, "What happened?!" Nova freaked, "She used her 'Adamantine armor' and I'm guessing she tried to protect us." Reiki stated as he glanced over to see the shield roughly severed in half, also burnt.

"Do something!" Nova yelled at him, he yelled back at her, "What do I do?! I don't have healing magic!" Then Nova's cap blew off as she stared at her best friend's lifeless body, "Couldn't you at least be a good brother and TRY?! INSTEAD OF BEING USELESS?!" Reiki fumed with anger, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN USELESS YOU IDIOT?! ALL OF US COULD'VE ENDED UP LIKE ROSE IF IT WASN'T FOR ME BLOCKING OFF THE DRAGON!" Nova hissed back at him, "ROSE WAS THE ONE DOING ALL THE WORK!-"

"BOTH OF YOU! Just stop! We have to get her to the village! That's her only hope right now!" Storm stopped them from arguing and Reiki nodded. "Okay okay. I can get her to the top the fastest."

He picked up his sister bridal style and quietly said, "Meteor." Teleporting them to the top.

"And he didn't even bother to bring us. Tsk." Nakrani scoffed and crossed his arms. "I hope she's alright." Tatsumi closed his eyes and a tear came down his cheek theatrically. Storm also wished his best to Rosemary, along with all the other guild members.

"Come one guys, let's find a way to get outta here." Valeria said, starting to inspect the hill of boulders, covering the exit. "I know." Luna said.

She approached the rocks, and raised her arm towards the boulders. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" She suddenly yelled and a fiery explosion erupted. The smoke cleared up to see an open exit, Luna coughed, "Problem, *cough* solved." The Sabertooth members growled at her, she chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck.

-Back at the surface-

"WHOO! FRESH AIR!" Sylvia cheered with her twin. "Let's go to the village. Reiki probably already told the villagers about what happened." Nash said as they all walked towards the distant houses and huts.

They walked for about 20 minutes and they saw Reiki in the distance, leaning against a door frame. Looking out to no where, but he was frowning and angry, his fist curled into a ball.

"Rei! How's Rosemary?" Storm asked, Reiki just looked away and pointed his thumbs to the inside of the hut. Everyone walked in to see the villagers taking care of Rosemary who was deathly pale and light bluish veins showing through her skin, her eyes were wide open and her pupils white. "Oh my Mavis Rose!" Sylvia ran to Rosemary's side and gripped Rosemary's ice cold hand. The rest of them looked horrified, and looked to the villagers, they looked down, "She's been cursed..." They all turned their heads to Reiki who spoke softly.

"What do you mean cursed?" Luna crossed her arms, Reiki furrowed his brow at her, "I mean she's been cursed. Like this godforsaken island. She's paralyzed, along with everyone else who shrank."

"I'm afraid there's a slight detail we left out." One of the demon villagers spoke up, "We've been noticing, the people who've been shrunk first, started to disappear. One after another, according to who got shrunk first."

Reiki was furious, "You're saying there's a freaking time limit now?!" The villager gulped and nodded slightly, the red headed Mage turned to his sister, he sighed.






"Let's kill a dragon."

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