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After the sudden awkward collaboration with Sabertooth. Nao ushered for the rest of Team Nash to leave as soon as possible.

"Guys. Let's get going. Before the station gets any busier." Nao ruffled his black hair and started picking up his things, as well as the others' things, who's owners were frozen in suspension. "Nao-"

He froze rushing his guild members for a second, and slightly turned his head to the white haired girl known as TigerLily. "I-Nevermind." She shot down her own idea and he ignored her. Nao began to walk away, and one by one, his guild members realized he was leaving and started to trail after him. "Nao! Please wait!" Sylvia waved her hand in the air for him to slow down his pace, as she and the others repeatedly ran into other people on the streets.

"Hey what's his problem?" Luna asked Sylvia, walking beside her. Sylvia shrugged her shoulders, confused as well. They decided to ask one of the eldest, "Nova?-"

"I'm tired, talk to Rosemary."

Nova cut them off and put in her earbuds, walking forward.

"Rosemary!" The red head turned around to see them catching up to her, distracting Rosemary from looking at the different strawberries. "Yeah?"

"What's with Nao?"

"How should I know?" Rosemary scoffed. Sylvia and Luna's curiosity was killing them.

"Reiki! Storm! Nash!" Sylvia screamed from the top of her lungs, attracting other strangers to look at them. Nash blushed, embarrassed from the snares he got, and quickly ran to Sylvia, covering her mouth.

"What what what is it. Just tell me-but stop screaming."

He sighed as Sylvia stopped screaming. "What's up Syl?"

"More like what's up with Nao?" Everyone stopped talking and decided to look at Nao, who had Nova and Rosemary behind him, Gale behind Nova.

"He has this aura. It's reminds me of the color slate." Sylvia said dramatically putting her fist in the air closing her eyes. Luna, Reiki, Nash, and Storm all scrunched their faces at her and gave her a weird look.

"I swear if you're getting into that sensual shit again-"

"EWWW!" Sylvia and Luna yelled, Sylvia started to cover her ears and repeatedly say "la la la la la la la I HEARD NOTHING la la la"
While Luna gagged.

Reiki gave an unsure look at his own comment, looking to Storm who was stifling a laugh and Nash who buried his flushed face in his hands.

"IT'S TRANQUIL! TRANQUIL!" Sylvia waved her hands in the air trying to stop Reiki.

"Dude do you know what Sensual means?" Storm asked, Reiki shook his head.

Storm sighed and Reiki brought out his phone, searching up the definition:

"of or arousing gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure- AHHH EW!"

Reiki immediately released his phone and it ended up on the ground. "Dude-if Rose saw me looking at this she'd tell mom-"


Reiki panicked with Storm- "Clear history! Clear-OH-Hey~Rosemary!" Reiki grinned, hiding his phone behind his back and leaning on Storm, who pushed Reiki off his shoulder.

"Storm what did he just do?" Rosemary asked, suspiciously and squinting at Reiki's nervous eyes.

Storm gave up and stole Reiki's phone from his hand and handed it to her, she looked through the open screen to see his nothing. Reiki peeked and sighed internally in relief.

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