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"And explain to me who these people are?" Team Sabertooth turned around and met eyes with the little girl behind them, they straightened out and bowed, K gave a disgusted look and was the last to bow, bringing his head down slowly. The girl smirked at him and he repaid her with a sneer, as he brought his eyes down, he saw Team Fairy Tail unconscious on the ground, especially Rosemary who was finally shutting her eyes, he mouthed something to her before she slept.


Nash tried to stand up, fighting the power of drowsiness, but ultimately failing in the end. He was able to make out the girl that scared Team Sabertooth so much. He fell in the ground and Harpy was the first one to step forward in front of the girl.

"We apologize for them-

Dean Mavis Vermillion."

Mavis nodded disapprovingly and waved to them. "Escort them to my office. I'll call the Night to sort them."

"Wait." Nakrani called out slightly and stammered, not choosing to reveal a lot about where they came from. "Dean, and they're not cursed by blood." He explained with a solemn tone, that was half feeling bad for them to be stuck here.

"They're not what?!" She snapped and turned back around, glaring daggers at him. The blonde girl walked up to Nash and took his wrist roughly, feeling it, then tugging him towards her and pushing away his coat and hair, not seeing the results she wanted.

She huffed, putting her hand on her forehead, "They're not... tag them. They'll get special protection, and I'm putting you all in charge of watching them." Mavis fiercely pointed her finger at all of them, and then disappearing into thin air.

"She said tag 'em, let's tag them!" Mak called out and all of them approached on of the mages that laid on the ground. "The strongest of us will tag 2. So Tatsumi and K. I put you two in charge of two." Tarnian said, gesturing for them to start.

Nakrani tagged Nash and Luna
Tatsumi tagged Storm
Mak tagged Gale
Harpy tagged Nao
Tarnian tagged Nova
Sam tagged Sylvia
Tigerlily tagged Valeria
K tagged Rosemary and Reiki

The sabers took their partner(s) wrist and whispered a small chant, and unknown symbols in black ink appeared, "ㄅⅰии∑Я ๒レ◊◊∂". As the mark appeared on their skin, two fangs grew out in replacement of their upper canine teeth, two red scars pierced their necks, and beneath their eyelids iridescent pools of blood took over their irises.

"The people you tagged, you will watch over. They are your responsibility. At least until we get them back to their world..."

"And when will that be?"

"During the next Winter Solstice the winds will tear open the portal again." Tigerlily said nonchalantly while rubbing her hands together and tucking them in her pocket, but Harpy gave her an uncertain glance. "It's February though."

"Exactly. We have to do our job well by protecting them from an entire campus full of sinners, for a year nonetheless."

"What a pain." Tatsumi whined.

"The dean has already called the Night to sort them into the right classes. We better get them there on time. Or we'll have to be stuck in guarding the mirror." They all agreed in a rush, trying to avoid the punishment hat might be awaiting them. So the all carried them and teleported in a flash, as if they were never there.

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