X⃟ (F⃟i⃟n⃟a⃟l⃟e⃟)

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Whitefoxxxxx here! This chapter will be very long and will as well be the end of the first arc! Hooray! But anyways, like I said, very long. So enjoy!


After a while, Levy came back into view.

"It looks like a transportation amulet." Levy pushed up her glasses leaning closer to the screen. "It says you specifically need a celestial wizard to do this. So what you need to do is take all of the spirits you have, they will be able to identify the location the amulet is assigned, and teleport you there, but its a one time use. Also results will vary depending on how strong your spirits are." All parents were behind her, looking through books, and doing as much research as they could. Levy looked up from the paper she was reading, "Since you have ten Zodiac keys already, that should be plenty enough power."

"Use the spirits responsibly!" They heard Lucy's old and faded voice in the background. "Yes mom!" Nash replied back. Valeria reached to end the call until, "Wait!" They turned their heads and Levy and all the parents were still being projected. "There's also a specific time you're allowed to stay, so be careful." They all nodded and hung up.


Nash and Luna summoned all of their spirits, and all 10 of them were standing in a circle,

(A/N- *SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE ANIME* Aquarius' key wasn't destroyed in this story, also, Tatsumi or Nakrani don't have Celestial Magic)

"Hey Nash, Luna~" Leo cooed and Luna punched him in the stomach. "Let me stop you right there bud, this is serious, no time for jokes."

A tear escaped the corner of his eye from pain, "Coolio," He whimpered. "So what's the matter Princess?" Virgo asked, "Do you want me to be punished, I will gladly accept the offer." Virgo said in a monotone. "No, nothing like that. Levy said, that you guys can identify the location of the lacrima and take us there." Nash handed Loki the amulet, and he inspected it. He grazed his finger along the surface of it and all celestial spirits' eyes glowed a neon green. "The location of the amulet is along the northeast borders of Earthland."

"Sounds a lot like where Raven Tail's old guild was." TigerLily said. "Loki do you know how long you can transport us there?" Luna asked, biting her lip hoping the time would be just long enough to set things.

"Five minutes....."

Everyone was silent after that, it was just a staring contest between the spirits and the mages. "Five minutes?! Five minutes isn't anything!" Storm spat. "Five minutes is technically the same as 300 seconds." Capricorn pushed up his shades, Reiki scoffed, "Really?" He said sarcastically, "Watch me count to 300 and we'll see how much I do then-"

"Guys! We don't have time for this! Rosemary and the village are waiting for us!" Sylvia threw up her arms in the air. "She's right you know." Rin crossed his arms. "Okay. But still, how are we gonna save everyone in five minutes?" Nakrani glared. Hard at thought, Nova lit up, "Reiki!" She turned to him, "what?" Reiki replied emotionless. "You can create clones of yourself! It's perfect! Your dad did it, so can you!" Reiki froze up, "Do you know how much magic that's gonna take? And besides, I don't know what to do! It's hopeless-" he stopped talking mid sentence and thought of his sister.

"You can do this. I believe in you..."

Reiki gently heard his sister's voice in his head. The red head sighed, "Okay, how many people are there?"

"I would say about 80." Tatsumi said, Reiki's jaw dropped to the floor. "How can I make enough clones for 80 people?! My dad made one and yet he still got caught!"

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