
141 3 1

(In case you forget-
Nakrani tagged Nash and Luna
Tatsumi tagged Storm
Mak tagged Gale
Harpy tagged Nao
Tarnian tagged Nova
Sam tagged Sylvia
Tigerlily tagged Valeria
K tagged Rosemary and Reiki

Gold- Nao Reiki Nova
Navy Blue-Valeria Storm Nash Luna
White- Gale

He looked hesitant with his reply, "I think it's time you met the Dean. He was getting up, but Rosemary held onto his hand, and he jerked his body and twisted it to look at her. She realized her actions and pulled her hand away, looking down to hide her red face. "Do you have any clothes to wear?"

K exited the room in a flash, and came back under a second with the girl's uniform in his arms. She eyed the uniform and took it in her hands, something caught her eyes. "What's that?" K followed her finger to the tie.

"Your class. You have to wear it, so the others know who you are."

"But its red and yellow."



(After Rosemary changed in a bathroom connected to the clinic)

"Whatever, it doesn't matter right now, the Dean wants all of us to meet at dinner." K stated with his arms crossed, looking at the doorway, Rosemary followed his gaze and saw the open doorway as an opportunity. She widened her eyes and started to get off the bed, "Don't even think about it. You actually owe me now." She arched her brow at him and threw her arms in the air, almost laughing sarcastically, "For what?!"

He looked back at her, "For helping you just now!"

"HA! You call that helping?" She snickered, and he retorted, "vampires get severely burned when they touched metal stupid. and you just melted it." He flicked her harshly at her ear, and her head jerked to the side a bit and she yelled out in pain, which turned slowly into the start of the lion king song (If you know what i'm talking about, high five cause i'm not explaining what i mean if you don't get it). She stopped wincing and groaning from pain, "did you just say-vampire?" K nodded to her question and she looked at him unbelievably. "Impossible." She stated.

"The Dean will explain everything at dinner. But yes, you are temporarily and kind of a vampire. But still, you owe me."

"FiNE. What do you want from me?" She asked hesitantly and lowly, ignoring everything he said, because part of her knew it was partially true.

He grinned slightly and put his finger on his chin, then shaking his head, "Meh. i'll think of something another time, just be ready. But for now they're waiting for us."

He took her arm and stood her up, escorting her through the halls. She jerked her arm towards her, away from his grip, and hissed with venom, "I can walk by myself."

He smiled secretly to himself, "Not in these halls dear. Look around, you're surrounded by vampires who want to eat you alive. That bandage on your head isn't going to last long." Rosemary reached to touch the cloth wrapped around her forehead.

"W-what about you?" She stammered, looking at him in fear. "Wait, will i eat myself?!" She panicked and started to mumble and mutter, making K chortle. She looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed, "Yah! What's so funny about that!" She yelled, slapping his arm, he shielded himself with his arms from her light slaps, she pouted.

Fairy Tail The Next Generation [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now