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Narrator's POV

Fairy Tail knew one thing, and that was to overpack, overpacking was actually something they couldn't even avoid if they tried.

"Excuse me but, madam you may have o-overpacked, uh, s-sir you as well..." The train conductor stammered and stared at the wagons of luggages that was overflowing with boxes, suitcases, luggages, bags. "Here, take this and don't say anything and don't complain." Reiki handed the conductor a jewel bill and patted his shoulder as he passed the train conductor, getting on to the train.

Next was Rosemary, she gave him a plain stare, "Be careful with my property, they're very fragile, if i see a scratch or patch of dirt anywhere on it, i will sue." She threatened before boarding the train, putting a hand on the railing next to her to support herself, Reiki and Rosemary's parents followed afterwards, Erza gave the conductor a similar sneer, but Jellal mouthed a 'sorry' as he passed by.



"Dont do this to me please don't do this to me, let me live." Luna and Natsu were literally letting out fire, as they yelled and struggled, trying not to get onto the train. But of course there was Lucy there to push them all onto the train, Lucy grabbed both of Luna's arms and tried prying her from her steel grip pushing against the doorway of the train. Luna screamed and bit Lucy, "OW!" Lucy winced and pulled Luna by the ear, throwing her into the train. "Don't mind them." Lucy said as she got her son who was pleading on the ground with all his life, "Mom please. Nuuuuuuuuu!" She pulled him by the leg onto the train, piling onto his sister who was crawling on the floor, clawing at the ground, trying not to vomit.

"If you find a mess in there, have Gray pay for all the expenses." Natsu said, as Lucy took him by the shoulders and into the train.

"Um actually put the expenses on his paycheck not mine, they're not my children." Gray sighed, with his arm slung around Juvia's shoulders entering the train, the conductor took not and nodded nervously. "Do you guys have ice water?" Juvia asked politely when she approached the conductor, he nodded and pointed in the direction to the tables where everyone else was already sitting, "Service will come around soon enough, and just ask them." She eye smiled and stepped into the train, Storm came up, the conductor was expecting some outrageous order, but heard nothing come from Storm's mouth.

Storm realized the conductor's anticipation and pointed to his sister, "Oh I'm with her." The conductor nodded and bowed slightly.

"Hello there, can you help me?" The conductor heard Levy's light voice, and he saw her trying to get Gajeel, Gale, and Valeria onto the train like Lucy did. Except Levy had little strength and anger nor patience, so he nodded and trying gently pushing the rough family onto the train.

"NEVER SURRENDER!" Valeria yelled out loud, Gajeel tried pulling on Valeria's arm back from getting on the train. "Gajeel!" Levy scowled and pushed him onboard, they immediately collapsed as soon as the touched the floor of the mobile. "Failed." Gale huffed, "Epically." Valeria finished, seeing stars and her stomach churning.

"Do you guys sell alcohol?" The conductor immediately snapped his head to Nova's direction when he heard that question, he shook his head. "Im sorry but it's only a short trip, and there are all ages here on the train, please wait until we reach your destination." She rolled her eyes and groaned, throwing her head back and moaning getting on the train in pain. Mirajane sighed at her daughter's actions and bowed to the conductor, Laxus faced the conductor. The conductor was intimidated and gulped, Laxus tightened his fists, but then loosening up and letting go, getting onto the train.

Behind Fairy Tail, were just regular non-mage people who stared at fairy tail's boastful and personified selves in horror, having their children stand behind them, stepping out of line, the lady next in line watched Laxus' shadow enter through the doorway. "Where are they headed?" The woman asked, she wore a cloak that cast a dark shadow over her entire face, "This train is headed to Crocus madam." The conductor answered, she smirked under her hood, "When is the next ride?"

"At 2."

She just nodded, smiling to herself, and walking out of line, leaving the conductor standing there dumbfounded, not knowing whether to find suspicion or to just ignore it. He ignored it, and continued to talk to the other people in line, in the back everyone could hear Rosemary and Nova's bickers about who would get the power outlet seat. Then they could hear the retches of all the dragon slayers, in the bathroom, or worse out the window, not forgetting the visual they go either.

Good Luck Crocus, Fairy Tail is coming...

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