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(In case you forget-
Nakrani tagged Nash and Luna
Tatsumi tagged Storm
Mak tagged Gale
Harpy tagged Nao
Tarnian tagged Nova
Sam tagged Sylvia
Tigerlily tagged Valeria
K tagged Rosemary and Reiki

Gold- Nao Reiki Nova
Navy Blue-Valeria Storm Nash Luna
White- Gale

As Harpy and Tarnian pulled K well far away to the Dean's office, K pushed off and said he's got it. They returned to where the fight was and tried to hold back Reiki and Nao.

As K walked the hall, he recalled yesterday's talk with the Dean after the sorting.

The night before ( the talk between Dean Vermillion and K )

The night before ( the talk between Dean Vermillion and K )

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(Dean Vermillion)

(Dean Vermillion)

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"You're aware she has a fate-"

"Yes. I saw the jewel the second she appeared with it." K cut off Mavis, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"You have the same one, am I right?" K nodded, looking out the window.

"She is your fate."

He didn't reply, half of him knew exactly what to say, but the other half didn't want to say it. "She poses as a threat as long as she's with you, and yet you're her tagger-"

"If you touch her. You're as well as dead. Don't forget your place Mavis. You're still a Cleansed. You're here to help her, now I don't care that you want to keep your school or whatever in order here in this alternate universe. I know you betrayed Fairy Tail the day Zeref came to the Games. But we both know that I'm not from here. But they can't know that. So I will keep it hidden from her. Just protect them."

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