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"I'm starting to regret this." Nash shivered as he walked down the spiral stairs, paranoid. "What? Scared of the dark Nash?" Nova snickered as Nash hissed at her. "So damn paranoid..." Nakrani mumbled under his breath, "WHADYA SAY ABOUT MY BROTHER?!" Luna basically tackled Nakrani to the ground. "Hey lay off!" TigerLily was now brawling with Luna and they practically started  pulling each others' hair. "Ow! That hurts!"

"Why don't you shut up! Obviously you're pulling my hair harder! I'm just going easy on you!" Luna and TigerLily kept yelling at each other while everyone else face palmed. "You started it." Nash said plainly to Nakrani, then slapped the back of his head. Nakrani turned his head, "Did you just, hit me?" Nakrani said in a scary tone, but they were in the dark, Nakrani didn't know if it was Nash even. Nakrani swung his fist hoping it would strike Nash straight in the gut. "WHICH BAKA JUST PUNCHED ME?!" Everyone heard the anger and fury in Rosemary's voice and all gasped.

"Oops." You could hear how much regret Nakrani had in his voice. Rosemary growled and pounced at him, "I'LL GET YOU NAKRANI!" Rosemary yelled as she started scratching at him like a cat, "HOW DID YOU KNOW ITS ME?! THIS GIRL IS SUPERNATURAL!" Nakrani freaked. All the other Fairy Tail members rolled their eyes, "Typical Rosemary." They all said at once.

Nash lit his fist on fire, revealing Luna and TigerLily strangling each other, and Rosemary raising a dagger an inch from Nakrani's throat, he was trying so hard to hold back Rosemary's arm. "Everyone calm down." Valeria said waving her hands, Storm once again took Rosemary's arms and pulled her away from Nakrani who was petrified on the ground. "Retract the claws Rose." Storm said blankly.

-10 minutes later-

"THEY'VE LEGIT LOST IT! FAIRY TAIL'S CRAZY!" TigerLily yelled as she was being dragged by Nova into a small ditch, "SHE'S STORING ME FOR WINTER!" TigerLily cried. "What the hell happened?!" Gale yelled to the rest of the boys, who were sitting down watching the fight while eating popcorn. "Join us." Rin said slipping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. "Fine but someone explain." Gale sighed, sitting down on the steps. "Basically, when everyone thought the beast was tamed, aka Rose. They let her go, but she attacked TigerLily yelling 'bloodymary'. Then TigerLily tried to kick her but eventually kicked Nova, tripping her, which acted like dominos and knocked over the rest of the girls, Luna, Syl, Val. They basically got pissed and ganged up on TigerLily." Reiki explained as Gale nodded somehow understanding.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" The boys chanted as the girls were tying up TigerLily with binds of rope they randomly had. "They're going to light me on fire!" TigerLily yelled muffled by the ducktape over her mouth. No one understood what she said so the girls proceeded with their evil plan. "SO ENDETH THE WITCH!" The girls said in unison, Luna opened her mouth ready to burst a tornado of flame, until...


The ground shook and everyone went deaf. "So damn loud!" Rin complained covering his ears. Everyone else pushed the palm of their hands over their ears. The ground finally stopped shaking, everything was still and silent. Tatsumi walked over to TigerLily and roughly ripped off the piece of ducktape over her mouth. "OW!" TigerLily screeched and Tatsumi put his finger on her mouth, motioning for her to be quiet. "W-what was that?" Nash whispered harshly. Reiki shrugged his shoulders.

"We better hurry so we can get the heck out of this place." Slyvia said, starting to rush down the stairs.

-Arriving at the bottom of the stairs-

"Woah, what is this place?" Tatsumi said staring at the huge dark caverns, with a low bright light illuminating from a lone torch at the end of the cave.


"IM SERIOUSLY STARING TO DOUBT HELPING YOU GUYS!" TigerLily yelled over the loud noise. The roaring stopped,

"Watch out!" Reiki yelled tackling Rosemary, as sharp rock fell from the top of the cave. "Mother of Mavis be more careful sis." Reiki said as Rosemary hissed. "Whatever." She replied.


"Can someone please tell me what that was?" Valeria said, but everyone else was just as confused as she was. "No idea." Gale mumbled, and everyone basically tiptoed deeper into the cave, towards the lone torch at the end.

Nearing the torch, everyone noticed something, "Doors?" Luna commented, and two extremely large wood and iron doors. "Sweet Mavis what could possibly be behind those doors?" Tatsumi put his hand on the door, and a deep rumble came back.

They all knew they had to go in to solve the problem, "Not it." Nash raised his hand slightly, "Not it." Everyone else except Rosemary and Reiki said. "Since no one else has the balls to do it, I'll go first." Rosemary put her fists on her hips, "I'll go with you." Both brother and sister requipped into matching Nakagami Armor made for each of their genders, Rosemary's was her mother's. They took out their swords and pushed open the doors with unbelievable strength.

It was dark. Dark as in what-could-be-lurking in-the-shadows-dark. They were all walking straight into pitch black, "Luna, Nash, light, now." Rin whispered and four fists were aflame, when multiple various colored crystals illuminated lighting up the whole cave. "It's so pretty!" Slyvia squealed, eyes glued to the sapphire group of gems. Everyone was scanning the room, "Those kinda look like the shrinking Lacrimas." Nova pointed to a particular hill of bright gemstones.

Everyone else turned their heads to the shrinking Lacrimas, until they saw it shift. "Is it me or did I just see something move?" Storm pointed out, they all nodded in agreement. Out of no where, an earthquake that brought everyone to their knees and palms on the ground, the sight they saw next was shocking.

"D-d-dra-" Sylvia stammered,

"DRAGON!" Rin yelled,



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