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Sylvia's POV

I was met once again by the perfect weather of Crocus, the blooming capital of Fiore. Despite it's apparent beauty, from the castle to the positivity of the townspeople, when I stepped off the train, I was met by horrible flashbacks.

Rin: There's not enough time..

"Nova, I really don't want you to choose to kill anyone else that didn't deserve to die. Don't carry that burden, I wouldn't ever want you to know that, so kill me instead..."

They all looked up horrified at the saying, to see Rin's teary eyed smile, but Nova's spell taking a visual place in the middle of his heart, a black void sitting there.



Nova's face shot up, and a black spirit left through her mouth, and she regained her own self, but Rin was on the ground. The ropes were undone, Sylvia ran to her twin picking up his head and placing it on her lap, shaking him, but his eyes were just staring off elsewhere. "No! No! Please! Rin! My special twin! My favorite person in the entire world! My idol!" Sylvia's eyes were filled with tears. Juvia put one of her hands on her mouth, the other trembled so much to touch his deathly cold skin, and Gray sobbed and yelled out in anger and sadness. Storm was crying on his sister's shoulder and his face buried into her shoulder.

I buried my head in my hand and tried to shake off the sudden lightheadedness (is that a word XD) I got. I jumped a bit when I felt a hand on my shoulder and smiled in relief when I recognized who it was. "Oh, Nova."

"You okay?" I nodded answering her worries, thank god she was as nice as her mother. "IM DYING!" We both jerked our heads to Luna, Nash, Valeria, and Gale who were hurdling heir way through the crowd looking for a bathroom. I looked above me and saw the sign for restrooms pointed directly where me and Nova were standing, behind us I saw the two doors and gave Nova a panicked look. "They might hurl on us-go that way-"

"No wait that way is the mens'-there." We were speaking to each other panicked and pushing each other as we saw them speeding towards us, I pushed Nova to the mens' doorway and I almost gagged as I saw Nash' mouth fill with something I really don't wanna know it is. "Nova watch-"

*Just picture that pretty scene and cringe as I describe it*

I gasped as Nash tried his best to turn his head as he stood right in front of Nova and directed his vomit to a trash can but it ended up on a little girl next to Nova. The little girl cried and Nova grunted and gasped, wiping off that gross stuff from her cheek. I held my mouth, when I see someone gag it makes me wanna gag. Before I knew it I followed Luna and Valeria into the bathroom-joining them.

Reiki's POV

I burst out in laughter, with Storm and Rosemary beside me. Rosemary hit my chest, scolding me that it wasn't funny-but it really was. I tried to hold in my snickers but Storm tapped on my shoulder to see a little girl crying with what looks like Nash's throw up. I fell onto the ground ignoring the looks everyone was shooting at us and I could see my sister's
embarrassed face she was trying to cover while crossing her arms over her chest. Nao walked up to us with Makarov, Mavis, and Laxus behind him, giving us weird looks. Rosemary straightened all of a sudden and violently tapped on my shoulder, I looked up and my smile faded. It was Tatsumi, Nakrani, and TigerLily, along with 7 others I didn't recognize.

The tension turned on Sabertooth, and Nao?

What happened between Raven Tail and Sabertooth?

"They've met."

"Good. We're getting close."

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