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This chapter might be written a little different since it's a filler chapter, sorry if you're getting bored of them! Please wait~

Sorry if some of you have been having dissatisfaction if you dislike some of the story line like some ships I made, so please comment on my other book Dare to Live! That book is a ship some of you have been asking for and it's kind of open to side shipping, please request and comment, thanks for letting me know if you did<3

Btw thank u so much for 4+k!!!! I'm so happy thank you all for reading!!!

Rosemary "So what do you guys wanna do to pass the time?"

Sylvia "I spy?"

Gale "What are you? 5?"

Sylvia "And what are you? 50? C'mon! Let's play I spy! I'll go first-I spy with my little e-"

Nova "I know we can like play Truth or Dare or something."

Reiki "Not necessarily a bad idea..."

Gale "I still think it's a stupid idea."

Valeria "And since when did you speak? Ever?"

Gale gives his sister a nasty look and sneers, averting his gaze back out the window

Storm "So! Who wants to start?"

Luna "Me! Me! Me! Me!"

Luna's hands shoots straight up and she literally jumps in her seat, Nao next to her had to seat her and settle her down, making him regret his seating choice

Luna "Sylvia Truth or Dare?"

Sylvia "Truth"

Storm "Chicken Sylvia?"

Sylvia "Shut up Storm."

Luna "Okay okay, is it true that you've never had a kiss before?"

Sylvia scoffs and nods proudly

Sylvia "Of course, I mean all of us haven't had our first kiss yet. Obviously I haven't."

Reiki "Actually, that's not true I-"

Rosemary "Don't even try. You did nothing with Esmé."

Reiki swatted his sister's arm, and she kicked his shin back. The boys including Nash, Storm, Nao, and Gale started boasting out in laughter as he rolled his eyes and scoffed

Sylvia "Whatever. Nash. Truth or Dare?"

Nash "Dare...? No truth!"

Sylvia "Too late! I dare you to, uh-see that lady there?"

Sylvia pulls Nash's shoulder to the direction of an old woman sitting normally on her seat, her eyes looking straight into her lacrima phone and her purse hanging off her shoulder

Nash "Yeah, what about the old lady...?"

Sylvia "I dare you to go up to her, sit on her lap and try and seduce her."

Nash's cheeks immediately flushed and his eyes widened and mouth opened a little, Sylvia smirked proudly

Nash "S-seduce and old lady? I-i can't do that! It's so inappropriate!"

Storm & Reiki & Nao "C-CHICKEN?! Bawk-awk!

Storm, Nao, and Reiki stood from their seats and started to prance around, their arms folding and flapping acting like wings as they imitated chickens, slowly getting closer to Nash's face making Nash uncomfortable and finally stand. He straightened his arms to his sides, and approached the woman, he stood in front of her and she looked up from her phone with an arched flared nostrils making her even scarier, Nash gulped. He turned his face for a second and removed his disgusted look, then turning back with a grin and an arched brow, sitting next to her, stretching out an arm around her shoulders, she looked disgusted and he tried his best not to show cringe. He leaned to her ear, and said what he could think as the cheesiest pick up line to him

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