Chapter Four: 'Real Food'

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"What do you want to do, Colton?" Ben asked in a kind voice. Colton was already feeling safer with his new owner, but his thoughts were muddled at the thought of not having to live in a cage. He wasn't complaining of course; he'd dreamt of the day where he wouldn't have to be kept in a pet's cage for a majority of his life, but the feeling of freedom unnerved him to no extent. His stomach twisted at the odd thought.

"It isn't my place to decide." He told Ben softly as he gazed up into his milky eyes. Ben placed his hand on the bed beside him, palm up. Colton was used to being picked up, but what was this supposed to mean? He supposed it was just a gentler way of handling a human, so he stepped across the bed and onto the rough skin of the boy's hand. He swayed a little on his thin legs, the feeling of the Laquanian's giant muscles tensing beneath him sending him off balance. Ben brought his hand slowly upwards; with Colton sitting on his palm looking like he'd just seen a ghost.

"You don't have to act like this." He told the human. Colton shivered at his owner's booming voice but tried not to let it show. It was never a good thing to appear frightened of an owner. Instead he swallowed back the fear bubbling in his chest and creased his forehead in confusion.

"Act like what?" He asked. Ben bit his lip.

"Like a pet, Colton." He replied. Colton could have sworn he saw that same emotion... pity... cloud over his face again.

"But that's what I am." He said, and Ben hung his head in frustration. The giant being stood up, Colton gripping his thumb for support as he was lifted. He let go when he saw the bigger boy smiling down at him. "Sorry, I won't do that again." He said. If Ben didn't have fully opaque eyes, they would have rolled at his apologies.

"You're so polite, Colton!" He grinned. "Who taught you to act like this?" The human felt himself shrugging in response.

"The Pet Institute." He answered automatically. "It's where pets are taught obedience and..." His voice trailed off and he set his mouth in a hard line. He didn't need to relive all those... memories. Ben frowned.

"Well, maybe you can forget about that... place." He suggested, though when Colton's face filled with doubt, he tried something else. "I, as your owner, forbid you to follow this Institute's rules." At that, the human's face went stark white, even paler than before.

"B-b-but that's..." Colton couldn't bring himself to finish. All his mentoring, his training... for nothing? It didn't make any sense whatsoever. Ben noticed his discomfort and sighed inwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

"Would you like to see inside the rest of the house?" He asked him. Colton frowned again. House. He's heard of that word before. It had something to do with the bedroom. He nodded slowly.

"Yes please."

"Alright then." Ben laughed. What is funny? Colton thought to himself. He couldn't help but grip the Laquanian's thumb again as he began to walk outside the bedroom. Colton's mouth formed the shape of an 'o' as he took in the hallway that branched off outside the other room. "Have you seen a house before?" Ben asked him, as he noticed Colton's surprise. His pet shook his head as he continued to stare around the new room. It was weird, seeing so many different things in one day. Colton's life had never been so, unstructured. He was used to a world of order, having lived in the Institute for most of his life, and hadn't seen the outside world other than the dingy pet store until now.

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