A Simple Science Experiment

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'When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.' ~Isiah 43:2



My head snaps up, eyes widening as a ginormous wave of water surges into the mine shaft. Humans scream and cry as they're tugged mercilessly into its powerful clutches. In an instant, Adam has let go of me and is running in the direction of the approaching wave.

"Move!" He snaps at the crowd of humans now staring in terror up at the incoming waves of rainwater. They comply, shifting obediently to the side so that my mate can continue sprinting at the water. I'm frozen in place, unable to comprehend what has just happened. And then a torrent of water explodes from behind me, the liquid fizzling the floodgate and pipe system away to a shrunken nothing. I let out an involuntary yelp as it hits me square in the back like a battering ram, sending not only me but every human in its path off their feet. I choke up a mouthful of algae tainted water, only to have more blast down my throat. I try to kick at the enveloping liquid, but it's then that I realize what's wrong.

I can't swim. I've never had to before, aside from that previous episode with Reuben. I'm helpless as the water surges through the mine shaft, pushing me under its surface. I claw helplessly at the water, struggling to see in its dark brown haze. I grunt, switching on my Laquanian eyes with all the strength I can muster, and a mysterious blue glow surrounds me. It hardly helps me swim to the surface, but now I can get a better glimpse at what's around me:


No one is in sight. I break the surface in a fit of coughs, feeling the chilling waves lapping at my clothes. They tug at the fabric, weighing it down. My white blond hair sticks to my face. The giant lights at the roof of the mine shaft have been smashed. The water cut through the tiny houses like paper. All that remains is my frantic breathing, accompanied by the terrified shrieks and splutters of the humans around me. I can't see Adam anymore. My glowing eyes cast an eerie glow over the water and I struggle against the waves for a moment to grab a floating paddle pop stick, which probably came off one of the destroyed houses. I hug the wood to my chest, using it to stay above the water.

"Adam!" I cry out, cupping my hands around my mouth to project my voice over the rushing of the water. My Laquanian eyes flicker and fade back to their original human ones. I'm surrounded by darkness, and the churning waves around me. "ADAM!" I yell louder, panic clouding my abilities. I try to push myself out of the water using its energy, but all I can manage is a groan.

"E-E-Eve!" A voice calls out nearby. I snap my head around blindly, my wet hair flying everywhere. I squeeze my eyes shut and force them to take on their opaque glow once more. As the mine shaft comes back into focus, I yelp in shock. The paddle pop stick I'm clutching fizzles like soda in the water. The saturated wood is suddenly shrinking, losing its buoyancy in an instant. I gasp as it washes away with the current.

"Eve!" The same voice yells, closer now. The water pushes me back under its surface for a moment and I come up for air, spluttering.

"I'm here!" I shout. "Please!"

I train my eyes over the dark water around me, searching for the speaker. No one is in sight.

My Pet Human {UNDER SERIOUS EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now