An Angels Whisper

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An Angels Whisper

2nd September 2032 (Just before Brax wakes up)

Braxton's POV (Pic of Brax on the side ---->)

The last thing I remember was my beautiful girl Lexi Jade telling me to wake up, but I am awake, and she's not here. The real question is, how did I end up in our favourite spot, the one with the huge willow trees that stand along the riverbank? I need to know if my girl and our baby are alive, I don't want to be here, I want to be with them.

"Hey, little brother." I soft females voice came from beside me, I was even sitting up on the branch that Lexi and I always sit during our alone time. This is the exact spot I asked her to be my girlfriend, I was so nervous that I almost feel off the branch and into the river, actually I just about threw up from the thought of her rejecting me.  I turned to my left to where the voice came from, the spot that Lexi always takes and saw, who I can only describe as a younger version of mum and an older version of Izzy. 

"Autumn?" I asked a little shocked to see the big sister I never had the chance to meet or even play with as kids. Mum and Dad have always told us about her, we all now enjoy her special day together as a family, I wish she was here, she'd be almost twenty one. Her anniversary this year was the hardest so far for Mum, being one of the milestone years for most people.

"Yeah, it's me, I thought I'd come say hi." she smiled, man, it's scary just how identical to mum she looks, it's making me even more freaked out, which is already a lot.

"Where am I?" I asked getting more confused by the second, please don't tell me I'm dead, I have an amazing girl that needs me, she'd be lost out of her mind if I never came back to her.

"You're dreaming, but this time it's special because I'm here." she giggled, oh god, she even sounds like mum.

"Before you ask why,  I just want to say that I'm so proud of you Brax, with the way you look after our younger siblings, Dad, Mum and your girlfriend Lexi, who by the way is amazingly gorgeous, and you both look so cute together." her voice angelic and soft, she was beaming with pride.

"She is, and I'm going crazy not knowing where she is." I said as I watched a few ducks swim by along the water, I love this spot right here, it's so clam and peaceful, no wonder Lexi loves it.

"She's right by your side, right where she belongs and always will be, don't ever let her go Brax." I smiled, I really do like the sound of that, I can feel the warmth running through the left side of my body.

"I don't ever plan too, she's like a piece of me and whenever she's not with my I feel like something is missing, that's crazy right? I'm only eighteen." I asked taking a better look at my angelic big sister, I must be going nuts if I can hear and see her, or it is because I have died and gone to heaven.

"Not crazy, and love has no age limit, your love for her has grown over the years, more so when you two joined as a couple, Mum and Dad even have a photo of you as a one year old holding her as a newborn, that's how far back you two go, it's a special love Brax, something a lot of people never find and never understand how one so young can love like you do." her whispers sending a shiver through me, this feels so real right now, like she is really here with me and having a sister brother bonding moment.

"Why did you leave us?" I finally said as we sat there in the most ever serene silence I've experienced in my life.

"It was my time, everyone has their time to go, and that was mine, but this is not yours so you need to wake up, you have a baby on the way, one that you will love, care for and teach them all those things Dad taught you, like Lexi, she'll be a great Mum, just like ours and hers." she smiled, I just can't take my eyes off her, she really would have been the best big sister to have, to talk too , to joke with, just like I have with my brothers and little sister.

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