One Sweet Day ~ part two

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One Sweet Day ~ part two

19th July 2036

Brax's POV

If it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't sleep last night but now all I can hear in the next room is Cade's bed banging hard into the wall as he fucked his girlfriend. He's lucky Jax had already been taken to play with Dad outside, because they are no way being quiet, his loud grunts and her screams and moans, my ears are bleeding. I was so pissed off that I started banging loudly on this side, I was sleeping in Aidan's room as he was still off travelling around the countryside with his new wife. Still can't believe he got married without telling anyone, Mum and Dad were so pissed off, I too pissed as he is not here to be at my own wedding.

"Fuck Brax, you know how to kill the mood." Cade grumbled when he walked in and flopped on the bed, he was wearing a pair of black boxers that were almost falling off, why bother even putting them on, god he's still semi hard too, he doesn't need to walk around like that either.

"Just because the rules have changed around here since Nick and Izzy turned sixteen, doesn't mean you can do it when guests are here, fuck Cade, Jax was only in this bed not even half hour ago." I snapped, I'm not in the mood this morning, I  haven't had sex in over a week, Lexi wanted the wedding night special so she banned sex completely and I mean everything, I wasn't even allowed to touch her or myself for that matter, not even a simple kiss, so I'm frustrated as hell right now. Yep, that included missing out on the only birthday present I ever ask from her each year, I was royally fucked off that I couldn't have that either.

"Shit! Sorry I forgot he was here, we got back late and I had a few drinks." he said now looking guilty, ever since Aidan took off he's been going out a lot more, it's either he misses him or he's having a party that he's not here to annoy him, who the hell would know.

"So is that Annabelle in there or some tart you found for a quick fuck?" I snapped as I threw the blankets off me, may as well get up and start to get everything ready. I glanced to the window and found that the sun was no where to be seen, a thick black mass of clouds covered what normally is a blue sky. I grumbled some more before I turned around and looked at the time, god it's way too early for this shit, it's not even eight.

"It's Annabelle, I don't cheat on her, I love her Brax, we had a few drinks last night for our three year anniversary." he frowned and looked upset that I even said that to him, there's no harm in asking and making sure if he's being faithful to his girlfriend Annabelle, they are a cute couple.

"Just checking." I chuckled as I stretched my tired muscles, not a moment later the door opened again revealing Nick who walked in and shut the door, he took a seat next to Cade on the bed and looked my way.

"Lil' sis has a boyfriend." Nick groaned as he rubbed his temples, two more groans came from Cade and I, this is what we've all been dreading, her first real boyfriend.

"Who is it?" I asked, another thing that we hate is that seventy percent of her friends are of the male species, not a good ratio in my books, not with my little sister.

"It's Luke, the one that hangs with her the most, but I'm pretty sure he'll be like the rest of them and try to get in her pants, he only dumped his last girlfriend a few weeks ago. Plus I don't think I want him touching or even looking at her like she's some piece of meat, as you know she's very popular with guys, she's been classed the hottest chick in school and is in high demand, they have bets on who'll get the honours of taking her v-card." Nick shuddered as he thought about it, I frowned as I sat down on Aidan's desk, that's another thing we don't want for Izzy, a guy that will fuck her around and break her heart.

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