Naughty Boys

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Naughty Boys

5th November 2032 (18 weeks and 0 days)

Braxton's POV  (pic of Aidan and Cade on the side ---->)

"Brax, Brax." I could hear my name being called through my window along with a tapping noise, both starting to piss me off, fucking hell! it's four am, why so fucking early? My eyes squinted as I looked at my clock, then toward the window as a light flashed through it and the tapping got louder with each fucking tap. Max strarted barking at the insane tapping, it was really getting on my nerves now, lucky Rox wasn't in here too or everyone would be awake.

"FUCK OFF!" I grunted loudly, then tossing my pillow in a fit of anger at the window, like that was meant to scare them and I shoshed Max, he stopped yapping, thank fuck.

"Come on Brax, we have to do it now while everyone is sleeping." I heard a very annoyed and grumpy sounding Darcy, for the crying out loud, why right now? I was enjoying my sleep. Lucky Lexi didn't sleep over last night or I would be in deep shit right now and I don't think I want to be in her bad books.

"Yeah, hang on." I grumbled and almost rolled onto the floor after trying to get off the air mattress I was sleeping on. Most of my room is packed ready for the move, it feels very weird in here to see it all boxed up but I can't wait to move in with my girl, it's going to be awesome. I made my way over to the window to open it and saw a very tired looking Darce standing there wearing all black, someone would think we are about to do a robbery or something.

"You do realise you're naked right?" Darce said as he pointed to me, crap! He laughed as I ran over to my drawers, which probably looked funny because I was limping and pulled out some clothes, black ones as I was just informed.

"Do you have everything?" I asked him as I came up to him after I walked out through the laundry door, trying to be as quiet as I could so I don't wake up Dad with his super sonic hearing. Jace was snoring loudly when I had walked past his room, so that is a good sign that Darcy wasn't too loud and Max for that matter.

"Yeah, we just need to pick up Gage, Cam and Coop and then we are meeting the rest of them there." Darcy said as we snuck around to his waiting car. I hope we don't wake Uncle Kaleb up when we pick up Cam or our plan would be ruined, his hearing is just like Dad's you can't do anything without them knowing within seconds, surprised Darce didn't wake him up already. We made our way to pick up the others, Gage was already waiting out the front which was good, Coop was a little hard to get going and Cam was halfway out his window by the time I walked through the backyard.

"Did you bring them?" Gage asked Cam as we drove in the direction of the high school. Today is officially our last day of school and we plan to go out with a bang, and a bang it will be. Tonight we have graduation, then it's party time but I'm not sure if I want to go out yet, Lex hasn't been feeling well the past few days and I would rather spend time with her.

"Yeah, I got three plus I got a whole heap of carcasses, necks and insides and Ebby's old feather pillow." he laughed and placed the box on the floor in front of his feet, those poor chooks. The plan is to cage up the chooks in the ag shed and hide them but replacing them with a couple roasted ones and the rest will look like they got slaughtered.

"Sweet, I got the keys." Coop cheered as he rustled the keys he took from his Dad's briefcase, he is one of the science teachers, yep, he just got us the master key for the whole school. Gage's boot is full of honey, flour, eggs, confetti, streamers and there's even a few dead fish which will end up in the staff room. 

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