Almost A Daddy

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Almost A Daddy

9th March 2033 (35 weeks and 5 days)

Brax's POV

"Did you name me after false labour pains?" I asked Mum and Dad as they sit around our dining room table, Mum frowned and Dad laughed, I was curious to know, since reading the books about babies and pregnancies, Braxton Hick's is the name for false labour, just seems a little odd to me now.

"No, I picked it, I just liked the sound of it." Dad chuckled, well that is a little relief, I would hate to be named after something so , so weird.

"That's alright then, I don't have to disown you." I joked as I served up dinner, Mum and Dad as they had put it "ran away" from the other kids just to have dinner with us, we only had dinner with the whole bunch last night, I think they miss us there. Lexi was pouring herself a glass of juice, her face was contorting, clearly in pain, from time to time, and I can tell that she's not enjoying it one bit.

"Babe, are alright?" I asked her as I placed the salad on the table, it was just a simple meal of chicken wings marinated in a plum sauce with a salad, easy and idiot proof.

"Yeah, just a sharp pain in my lower back, it's nothing, I've had them all day." she waved her hand around and smiled like it was nothing, Mum on the other hand was on full alert instantly, I shrugged when Mum raised her brows at me.

"My bets, she's gonna have the baby in the next twenty-four hours." Dad said as he chewed on a chicken wing, I frowned, not like he can tell or anything, she's been having these so called Braxton Hick's thingys since we've been to her Grandparents house. One night there I thought she was in full labour she was in that much pain, I drove her down to Port Lincoln just to get her checked out and she was fine.

"You and your bloody bets, Babe." Mum chuckled as she shook her head, her eyes still watching Lexi carefully, Mum secretly pulling her phone out to what looks like to time whatever pains Lex is getting. My heart rate just took off, what if she is having bubs tonight? I'm gonna be a Dad, I'm going to have a little person to look after, man this has just gotten a whole lot scarier.

"Hey don't knock 'em Babe, I've won each one so far with your Grandson, I'm not gonna stop yet." Dad laughed, Mum rolled her eyes and started to eat her dinner, mine and Dad's were gone quickly, Mum wasn't too far behind and poor Lex was still picking at hers.

""I might go have a shower." Lexi said standing up suddenly, she pushed her plate back which was hardly touched and she just left the table, leaving us watch her waddle down the hall. 

"She's still got four weeks to go, do you think it could be more than just false pains?" I asked Mum now actually getting a little more concerned about my girl, Lexi has always hated pain and feels it more than anyone else, if these are false pains, I'm absolutely dreading what the real ones are gonna be like.

"It's hard to say Brax, each of my pregnancies were different, you were almost two weeks late, Jace was the only one that came anywhere close to his due date." Mum said as she helped me clean up the dishes, Dad was playing with the remote control just like he's always good at doing.

"So she's just a ticking time bomb, ready to explode?" I frowned, that sounds like a possibility, she'll be screaming that's for damn sure.

"Yep, pretty much." Mum chuckled, great, that sounds like something to look forward too, as long as she don't break her waters in my car, she's all good. After Mum and I had everything all tidy and packed away, we sat down with Dad on the couch, Lexi emerged not long after I got comfortable and sat down beside me.

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