Stay At Home Daddy

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Stay At Home Daddy

2nd May 2033 (Jax is 7 and a half weeks old)

Brax's POV (pic of Cooper on the side ---->)

I was sitting on the edge of the bed tying my shoes as I heard Lexi curse under her breath as she searched for her school uniform,  I told her to do it last night, she didn't listen to me. With today the start of the second term of school and for the past week I have been listening to her trying to get her way out of going, she wants to be a nurse like her Mum, so she has to go. Today I have the day off, so I'll be taking care of Jax on my own and we are going to be having a boys day, I've actually been getting excited about it, it's going to be fun.

"You sure you'll be alright today?" she asked for the tenth time this morning, I sighed, she has no faith in my abilities to take care of our son while she's not around. She freaks out if she just has to go to the store for something and leaving him behind, in my opinion she's adding extra unneeded stress on herself. Jax and I won't be alone, we'll be catching up with Uncle Jace and Grandpa, even Uncle Coop, she just needs to take a chill pill and calm down, I think I know how to take care of my son without her here for one day.

"Yes, we'll be fine, now get dressed, I'm going to get Jax ready." I said as I got off our bed and walked toward the door but was stopped by Lexi before I got there.

"Where are you going? You can't just wake him up half way through his nap to take him places." she snapped, I frowned at her, she looked like steam was about to blow out of her ears. How much longer do I have to deal with these mood swings, fucking hell I just want to make sure I have everything ready before we go out.

"I told you already, around to Dad's place, then to see Coop at the garage." I said in a calm voice, I don't need to make her even more snappy today, if it's not the stress of going to school and leaving Jax behind, I don't know what the hell her problem is.

"Just wait for him to wake up, you'll muck up his sleep pattern, you're always waking him up." she hissed as she stepped into her skirt, her shirt was now hanging loose over her shoulders. I looked at her like she was going crazy, I don't wake up sleeping babies, now she's starting to piss me off with saying shit that isn't true.

"I was just going to pack his bag and everything first, just calm the fuck down." I snapped back, for fucks sake, I stormed out of our room and left her cursing under her breath. I grabbed Jax's bag from his room and headed down to the kitchen, Lexi had expressed some milk already for his feeds for the day and the wash basket with some clean clothes was sitting on the table.

"Make sure Cooper doesn't touch him with his greasy fingers, there's a list of food I need you to get from the supermarket and can you please clean up that mess you made in here, I'm sick of doing all the fucking work around here." Lexi snapped as she walked through to the kitchen, she was all dressed and ready, she looks like she's about to kill someone, I ignored her and continued to sort through Jax's outfits and which would be best for the day.

"I'm going, make sure you're home when I get back." I turned and saw her as she threw her back over her shoulder, her eyes were glaring hard at me, again I didn't bother to reply so I continued to pack Jaxon's bag. I heard her frustrated grunt before her heavy foot steps made their way to the front door which was slammed behind her as she left. I sat down on the couch and rested my head in my hands and tried to calm myself down, I can't believe she just said I don't do anything around here, If I'm not at work, I'm here taking care of both of them.

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