Don't Scare Me

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Don't Scare Me

10th January 2033 (27 weeks and 3 days)

Brax's POV

"Can you believe Tahni is up the duff again? I wonder how Jace will cope with this one." Tyler whistled as we sipped on our beers as we chilled under the back deck of Uncle Kaleb's. Mum had called Jace not long ago, telling him that Tahni broke down in tears after taking a positive pregnancy test, Dad had to take him home, I looked over to Tyler and shook my head.

"Nah, didn't see that coming but he's pretty good with Lily and I know he was pissed off he missed everything with her." I smiled thinking about the two of them interacting, he has totally fallen in love with that little girl, I can tell she loves him too, she's even trying to say Dad and it sounds so cute, it really makes me want Jax here already.

"Yeah." Tyler said as he looked out to the horizon, there's something weird about him , he has been acting like a sick puppy for the past couple of days which is so not like him.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I asked as I leaned over the rail and spat out a bit of build up that was in my mouth, before taking another swig of my beer.

"Kayla left me." that made me spray that mouthful everywhere, I looked at him in shock, she left him? I shuddered a little at the thought of Lexi leaving me, I'd probably end up sulking like Tyler.

"What did you do this time?" I chuckled lightly, he sighed heavily and sat down on the esky, his arms resting on his knees. Tyler is always doing something stupid that makes her mad but never enough to have her leave, she usually gets him back with something.

"Her period was late and it freaked me out, she took about five tests, all came back negative, I said I wasn't ready, there's a whole heap of shit I wanna do before kids come, we got into this big fight and then she left, I was trying to think of something to say, she thinks I don't want to do anything with her, she's blocked my number so I can't call or text, I was going to give her this." he sounds broken, he was never good with words and probably never will be, he always stuffs things up, I looked down at what he was talking about and he had a small box in his hand.

"I love her, man, I want her to be my wife." he said sadly as he played with the little box in his hand, he flicked it open and I gasped at the rock that in there, he must have been saving up for months to buy that, I can see why he still lives at home with Uncle Kaleb, rent free and can save every penny from work to buy that for the girl he wants to marry and I'm a little shocked that he even wants too, he must love her.

"You need to go crawling back to her, no good sitting here and whinging about it, do something to win her back." I offered, he's not helping himself by sitting there being a sook about the girl, he needs to fight for her and win her back.

"You're right, now how should I do that?" he asked, I chuckled with a slight eye roll, man he is freaking useless at times, I always wonder how Kayla puts up with him in the first place. I was going to reply with an idea that just cam to me when my phone started ringing, I pulled it out of my pocket and noticed it was dad.

"What's up, old man?" I chuckled, he hates it when I call him that, in the background I heard crying which had me frowning and then some hushed voices, what's going on?

"Brax, Lexi has collapsed, get your ass home." Dad rushed out, I could hear Aunty Katie yelling for something out of the first aid kit, by now my heart was hammering in my chest, I have to get there, what about Jaxon?

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