Lips of an Angel

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Lips of an Angel

10th March 2033

Lexi's POV (pic of Hannah on the side ----->)

I've never seen anything more heartbreaking before in my life, that moment in time was crushing me, not even when I knew Mum had passed away, no matter how hard I try, I know I'm not dreaming this. I stare down at my son, I don't even know how I can see through my tears right now, the saltiness burning my eyes, his gorgeous face, his thick brown curls, his tiny little fingers that I hold in my hand. His daddy was sitting beside me with his own tears, his fingers playing with his sons little toes, holding his feet in his the palm of his hand, our beautiful baby boy is simply perfect.

The paramedic, who is also a Matthew placed my baby boy on my chest, his little head was resting over where my heart is beating, his little butt resting in my hand, we are now skin to skin, chest to chest. He had covered us up to keep us warm for the drive to the hospital, Matthew had told us that nurses often do this to premmies, it is what they call kangaroo care, it's one precious bonding time that I'm going to treasure forever. I pressed my lips ever so gently to the top of Jaxon's head, my fingers now pushing those stubborn curls out of the way, I felt a pair of lips caress my cheek, then heard a sweet whisper.

 "I love you." Brax whispered as his lips now pressed over our little mans cheek, I'm sure he would have those same dimples his daddy shows when he smiles. I looked at them both, my favourite boys, father and son, they look so similar, the only thing I passed through to my little miniture Taylor was his lips, he looks so cute, even with his eyes closed. My eyes have not left this gorgeous little guy that rests peacefully in the centre on my chest, each detail of his features storing into my memory for eternity.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." Matthew said quietly before moving into the front of the ambulance before it slowly drove toward the hospital. I was already checked over to make sure all was ok before being moved, the whole time I held Jax close to me, not wanting to let him go.

"I don't even know what time he was born." I whispered to Brax as he rested his head on my shoulder as we both gaze softly over our son, my little piece of Brax, Jaxon Matthew Scott Taylor.

"It was 12:03am, Baby." Brax said softly as his finger gently caressed Jax's soft skin, I closed my eyes and smiled, he was born on his grandma's birthday, she would have loved that, maybe they are having a party up in heaven to celebrate. Brax pulled his phone from his pocket and opened up his camera app, he started to snap a few shots of Jaxon and I, some of just our little boy on his own, before snapping some selfies of the three of us together.

Our journey to the hospital was over before we knew it, our moment, our little bubble gone as the doors opened, both paramedics waiting to take me and my boy inside. I took my eyes off Jaxon for one second to see Brax's Aunty Katie waiting near the door with Dr. Watson, it's a good thing that they were already here, things can happen without waiting as long. I was wheeled out carefully, Brax not wanting to leave my side, clung to the side of the stretcher as Matthew gave them my vital signs, as well as Jaxon's.

"Lexi, I need to check him honey." Aunty Katie said gently, I was taken straight through to a private room, I looked down at my boy before looking back at her, she gave me a small smile, Brax squeezed my hand in comfort, he knows I don't want to let him go, but he's also telling me that I have too. 

"Is he coming back?" I asked in hope that he can stay with me longer, I could feel the next batch of freshly brewed tears wanting to spill, I am so emotionally drained, my body is still achy from giving birth to my son.

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