Mini Me or Mini You

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Mini Me or Mini You

17th November 2032 (19 weeks and 5 days)

Lexi's POV

I unhooked Brax's arm from my waist as he lay tucked up behind me, his weight pushing me down even further into the mattress, and it felt like I couldn't breathe. His head was buried in my neck, his leg felt like it was twisted around both of mine, I just couldn't stand feeling him suffocating me like this any longer. I nudged him in the ribs and then I kicked his leg out of the way, not noticing how hard or where my foot just landed on which leg.

"What the fuck, Lexi?" he growled nastily, my eyes went wide as I just realised what I had done, I turned around as fast as I could and found his face contorted in pain, his eyes squeezed shut tightly and he was panting through the pain.

"Oh God Baby, I'm so sorry." I reached my hand out to touch his face, but he flinched away from me, his eyes snapped open and looks really pissed off with me now.

"That fucking hurt, why didn't you just wake me up like a normal person." he snapped and climbed out of my bed, his naked ass walking slowly and now limping more than what he has been. I sat up in my bed and watched him, he quickly slipped his boxers back on and without another word half walked, half limped out of my room, slamming the door shut on the way out. Tears sprung from my eyes as I stared at my door, my heart dropping into my stomach, bloody hell, what have I done.

I curled up into a small ball, my hands protectively rest over the baby and I cried, tears were flowing like a river down onto my pillow. I cried even more when I felt our baby move and give me  a little kick, it's the first time I've felt it and Brax isn't here. He would have been if I didn't just about kick him out of bed, which he left anyways, I want him here, I didn't mean to kick his broken leg. I don't know how long I laid there like that but when I heard my door creak open, I didn't bother even moving.

"Baby, look at me, I'm sorry I snapped at you." Brax's voice was soft as his fingers moved the hair off my eyes and tucked the strands behind my ear, my eyes all burning and wet from the tears. He had damp hair and had on a new set of clothes that I knew he had packed into his bag, he wanted to stay with me last night because he misses me even more now that he doesn't go to school. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you, you were squashing me." I choked out as his eyes slightly widened then softened, he sighed and moved into kiss the tip of my nose.

"Shit Baby, I didn't know, did I hurt you?" he asked as he rolled me over onto my back, his hands rubbing up and down my naked body checking if he's hurt me. I quickly grabbed his hands and placed them where I just felt our little baby kicking again, this time it was a little stronger than the last time.

"Feel that?" I asked as I moved his hand a little higher, wow this feels really weird, our baby is full on kicking me lots. Brax's face lit up into the most biggest smile I have ever seen and his hand pressed a little into my bump, his lips moving down to kiss it.

"It's amazimg isn't it, she's been kicking you all night." he said with a hint of pride in his voice, the baby has been kicking all night? What the hell? I sat up and looked at him, my head tilting a little to the side as I frowned, his hands not leaving my bump once.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, he felt it before I did? He gave me a little smirk before climbing back onto my bed and pulling me into his arms.

"I had been feeling her moving throughout the night, I'm surprised she didn't wake you up with how hard they were." he chuckled, he looks so excited and of course he calls the baby a she, I keep telling him that our baby is a boy, not a girl, I guess we will find out today.

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