All Together Again

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All Together Again

11th October 2032 (14 weeks and 3 days)

Matthew's POV (pic of Matty on the side ----->)

I finally get my family back together, all under the one roof and I can't be happier, as I'm about to pick up Brax from the hospital. With the new school term starting today, some kind of normality has returned to the house, and the schedules are back on. As we are in between jobs, with the new one starting tomorrow, I have an extra day off, not that I'm complaining, it's always nice to stay home during the week.

Sums was a little annoyed that she couldn't come to pick Brax up as she has a staff meeting to attend, so I am the one that gets too. I headed into his room where I found Lexi putting some fresh sheets on the bed, and has tidied up in here, a lot in fact, I'm impressed.

"Hey Lex, are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I think this is the fifth time I have asked her, and each time she refuses, not sure why, I thought she'd be out the door waiting already.

"No, I'll just see him when he gets here." she didn't look at me and her voice was almost a whisper. I can see the baby's bump starting to protrude, I'm sure Brax will be loving that, I know I did with Sums. I can't believe my first grandchild is in there growing, it's a feeling I can't describe, knowing that my son is going to be a dad, but it's a good feeling.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I moved a little closer, maybe they've had a fight or something.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she turned away from me again, I sighed, something is going on and I want to know what's bothering her, she's been acting weird since we came home from the hospital last night.

"Lexi, what ever it is you can tell me, I'm here for you." I said in a soft tone, I just hope it's something that I can help her with, maybe Brax can get it out of her if I can't.

"It's a little private and embarrassing for me to ask my boyfriends Dad." she said now looking up at me, she had a light shading of pink making her way over her cheeks. Oh, well there's no way I want to know then, sounds like girl stuff.

"Sums will be home by eleven you could ask her, I won't be gone long sweetie." she nodded and looked a light relieved that I didn't question her more. I smiled and left her to her thoughts, I'm sure she's just having a pregnancy issue that needs a woman and Sums can do that. I made my way out to the car and headed off to the hospital to pick up my boy, I know he's been waiting for this day for the last six weeks. 

I reached his room and found him waiting on the edge of the bed, his crutches under each arm, his right leg strapped up and his arm now free from the cast. He has everything packed up ready to go,  I had already taken the majority of his things home yesterday.

"Hey buddy,  you ready to go?" I asked as I walked into the room,  his eyes lit up with happiness once he heard me.

"Hell yeah, I am." he laughed, he stood up and adjusted the crutches as I picked up his bag off the bed. He still has a lot more therapy to do,  but in the last week he has improved a hell of a lot.

"Let's go then." I grinned, finally taking my baby boy home, it just hasn't been the same without him there.  It was a slow walk to the car but that's to be expected,  I could tell he was pushing through any pain that he was experiencing. As we drove back home, I glanced over to him and found he was looking a little nervous, that certainly is not a look I'm familiar with on his face.

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