~Chapter Four~

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(Character pictures above just in case you were wondering what they sorta look like)

"Mira wake up. Mira!"
I groan an roll over, burying my face into my pillow. It's smells strangely like chocolate.
"Mira we've got important business to attend to wake up."
There's really only three options in this situation- punch Rina for waking me up, get out of bed, or go back to sleep. I'm sorta leaning towards the last option. But Rina is apparently going with the second option because seconds later I'm being smushed.
"I. Can't. Breath," I gasp out. She's sitting on my back, crushing my lungs.
"Obviously you can since you're talking. Now get up lazy."
"So you keep me up until well past 3:30am and then you go and wake me up at 8? Why?" I demand as I glance at the clock. Ya, I most definitely will have to punch her in the face. Later, though, because right now I really just want to get more sleep.
"As I said, we've got important work to attend to. Remember what Jacob had the audacity to say to us last night about reading?"
"My memory from last night is a little hazy. Remind me."
After our interesting trip to the store, we came back to the house and continued playing games while having a few drinks. So, not only did I not get enough sleep, I'm also slightly hung over right now.
"How do you not remember?" Rina demands with wide eyes.
"I was a bit intoxicated."
"You make getting drunk so dorky. Hardly anyone says intoxicated," she giggles. "Anyway before we played the games. Remember how he said Harry Potter is for children and that reading is dumb?"
"Oh ya that little shit. I'm assuming you have some ideas on how to get him back?"
"Follow me."
Reluctantly I push away my warm covers and follow Rina down the hallway towards Jacob's bedroom. We stop just outside his door and Rina turns to look at me.
"Draw on him," she whispers.
"You're not very creative. We've done that to him already," I whisper back. She rolls her eyes and shoves a Sharpie into my hand.
"Ya I know but I'm too tired and lazy to come up with something better. Now come on."
I flinch slightly as the door creaks open loudly. If Jacob wakes up and finds us in his room something bad would definitely happen to us. Together we tip toe over towards his bed and luckily he was laying in the perfect position; face up with his arms spread out.
"I'll get his face. You get his arms," I whisper to Rina. I speak so quietly that at first I don't think she hears me. But a second later she's pulling the cap off of her marker and leaning down towards his arm. I scoot closer so I can reach his face. I hesitate for a slight moment before making a lightning bold on his forehead. Then I give him a nice pair of round glasses and draw on some shaggy hair to make him resemble the books he was making fun of last night. Just for some glorious decorations, I put random dots all over his face. Once I'm done with my masterpiece, I look over to see what Rina's done. She written in large letters all over both of his arms- 'Rina and Mira are the best,' 'Harry Potter is awesome,' 'reading is fun,' 'you are a loser,' and 'think before you speak.' I'm honestly surprised she was able to fit all of that on there but somehow she did. She gestures towards the door so we slowly walk back out to the hallway. We don't bother to close his door and we quickly rush back to my room. As soon as my bedroom door is safely shut and locked, we start laughing. I give Rina a high five as we continue to giggle.
"He's gonna be pissed," I say once we've managed to calm down.
"It'll be worth it."
I look longingly at my bed then look at Rina.
"Can I go back to sleep now?"
"No let's go find some donuts. I'm hungry."
"There's donuts in the kitchen," I groan. All I really want to do is go back to sleep.
"Ya but... Fine but you're not allowed to go to sleep. I'll just wake you up again."
"Because I'm evil."
She opens the door slightly and peers down the hallway to make sure Jacob wasn't near. Then, abruptly, she runs out of the room. I'm tempted to lock the door but I have a feeling she'd just find a way in. So instead I just sit on the bed and wait for her to bring me food. My back is to the door but I hear it open. When Rina doesn't say anything or even seem to enter the room, I turn around.
"Oh hey Jacob," I say weakly. Jacob is standing in the doorway but I'm surprised to see he's not murdering me yet.
"Good morning. Are we going to the beach today? The weather seems nice," he replies. I stare at him in confusion. Maybe, just maybe, there's a small chance that he hasn't looked in a mirror yet.
"Um ya I guess we are."
"Alright cool. Where's Rina? I thought I heard her voice in here." He looks around the empty room. Now I'm trying not to laugh. He looks so goofy and he doesn't even know it.
"Oh uh she's getting us some breakfast. She should be back-"
Before I could finish my sentence a sudden scream cut me off. Jacob turns around and I can see Rina standing behind him. Her eyes are wide in fear.
"Why are you screaming?" Jacob demands. Rina catches my eye and she starts laughing. This causes me to laugh, too.
"What's so funny?" asks Jacob. I stand up and join Rina in the hallway, both of us laughing very hard still. Now David walks out of his room, looking tired and confused. As soon he takes one look at Jacob he joins in laughing. Rina pulls out her phone and takes a few pictures. This only makes Jacob even more mad.
"Seriously what are you three laughing at? Do I have something on me?"
"Dude you need to look in a mirror," David tells him. Jacob runs into my room and over to the mirror. Rina and I stare at each other with wide eyes but before we can make a run for it, Jacob's grabbing our arms.
"What the hell?"
"It was Mira!" Rina yells. Somehow she's managed to get free and runs into her bedroom with the box of donuts still in her hand. I hear the lock click and her laugh evilly. Jacob is glaring down at me.
"It wasn't me, I swear. Rina did everything and I couldn't stop her. Let me go," I say but I know he doesn't believe me since I've started laughing again.
"You look ridiculous."
"Run, Rina, run. I'll hold him off," David shouts. Then he yanks Jacob's hand off of my arm and attempts to tackle him. As soon as I'm free I run back into my room and slam the door shut. Jacob tries to open it but I quickly lock it before he can come in. After a few minutes he seems to give up and I relax slightly. My phone buzzes across the room so I walk over to find it.
Beach? -Rina
Sure. Be ready in 10minutes -Mira
Okie dokie -Rina
I start to look for my bathing suit before I realize something. I walk back over to my bed and pick up my phone. I call Rina but don't really expect her to answer. I'm happily surprised when she does.
"Are you butt dialing again?" she demands.
"Again? I don't recall ever butt dialing you before."
"You have."
"Liar." I don't know why but I really wanted to prove her wrong. I guess I just like always being right.
"You're the liar!" she yells back.
"Liar liar pants on fire."
"I'm not- oh it doesn't matter. Why did you call me?"
"Oh ya. How are we sneaking out without being murdered by Jacob? I've got a back patio that I can leave out of and then walk to the front of the house but what about you? And what about bringing food or something?"
"Hmmm." I hear her set down the phone and then her talking to herself. I couldn't understand exactly what she was saying but I couldn't help but laugh at imagining her walking around her room mumbling stuff to herself.
"David can bring us food. I have a window I'll just crawl out of. I'll meet you on your patio in precisely seven minutes."
With that, she hung up. I begin rushing to gather my stuff together and throwing them in a bag, making a small checklist as I go- sunscreen, sunglasses, book, towel, and finally I grab a chair. Almost as soon as I finish Rina is knocking on my window. I join her outside and notice that her bag is way more packed than it should be.
"What have you brought?" I ask. She shrugs and looks into her bag.
"Mostly buckets. To make a sandcastle."
"Ooh yay lets go build one."

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