~Chapter Eleven~

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"Mira. Miraaaa. Wake up."
I knew someone was whispering my name but I chose to ignore them. Somehow I could tell that it was still too early to be waking up and I don't ever get up before I have to. If I have to open my eyes, I may kill whoever was trying to wake me up. So really, I'm being very kind by not opening my eyes and replying to the person, I'm giving them the change to keep breathing. But apparently they aren't smart enough to turn around and run because they keep poking me and whispering my name over and over again.
"You have five seconds to leave this room before I murder you," I say groggily without opening my eyes still. They don't stop though, they just keep on poking me.
"Wake up."
I open my eyes and open my mouth to cuss at them but stop when I register my phone alarm going off. The phone provides enough light that I can see which of my friends I was going to have to kill. It was Jay.
"What do you want?" I mutter into my pillow and close my eyes again. "And turn off that annoying alarm."
"That annoying alarm is supposed to be reminding you what we had planned."
Mercifully, the obnoxious beeping goes silent. I happily start to fall back asleep. Unfortunately Jay starts poking me again.
"We got things to do, remember?"
"Things, what thi- oh shoot. Sorry I forgot." I tumble out of bed, still half asleep, and stumble towards the door. I backtrack to where Jay was standing, laughing and holding out my pajama pants. I grab them from him and pull them on. I don't like sleeping with pants on because I get too hot so I just sleep in either one of my dad, brother, or Jay's old baggy shirts. It was super comfortable.
"Is everything ready?" I ask. I follow him out of my room and tip toe down the hallway. I could barley see him so I grab the edge of his shirt and let him lead the way.
"Yea they all went to bed about four hours ago so we should be fine."
"Four hours ago? What time is it?"
"Uh about 4:30," he mutters distractedly.
"In the morning?!" I stop suddenly. That meant that my alarm has been going off for nearly two hours and I had slept through it. I feel slightly guilty for not waking up to help Jay like I said I would.
"Yea but don't worry about it. We both overslept slightly," he says. I snort and resume walking.
"Just a smidge."
"So are we doing David or not because I personally think we shouldn't."
"Ya I agree. He wasn't involved in their evil scheming."
"Alright let's do Rina first then."
"Okie dokie," I whisper.
"Artichokie," he replies without hesitation. I hit him lightly on the back.
"No," I say.
"Why not?"
"Dork," I mutter, shaking my head. It felt slightly strange to be talking to him again and acting like nothing had happened between us. Last night we really didn't discuss anything except how we were going to get back at Jacob and Rina for locking us in a closet. Part of me wanted to discuss what happened with us but the other part of me was just content to be talking to him again. We reach Rina's bedroom and her door was slightly open. I poke my head inside to make sure she's asleep. I quickly retreat, cussing silently.
"What?" Jay questions.
"Sometimes I forget that she's married. So we either have to just have to prank both of them or think of something else to do."
I look at Jay, waiting for him to answer. Personally I wanted to continue with our plans but I'm not sure what he'll say- he's a bit nicer than me. He hesitates before nodding his head.
"Let's get it over with," he says.
He opens a bag that I hadn't noticed he was carrying and rummages around in it. He pulls out two rolls of toilet paper and hands one to me. I enter the bedroom first, walking as quietly as I can so I don't wake them up. I know Rina is a pretty heavy sleeper but I don't know about David. A light flickers on so I look over and see that Jay turned in a lamp so we could see.
"Are we being petty?" I ask as I think about the situation.
"Do you really care?"
Without a second thought I launch the toilet paper across the room. It bounced off of the wall and landed on the ground with a small plop.
"Hm. Guess we're going to have to do this the long way," Jay says. "It's probably better if we split up, then. I'll go do Jacobs room then come back and help you."
I open my mouth to tell him I can manage in my own but he cuts me off before I can say anything.
"This room is much bigger than Jacob's. You're going to need some help."
"Alrighty. See you in a few minutes then."
With a sigh I walk over to where my toilet paper laid pathetically on the floor. Then I meticulously unravel a lot of it and throw that randomly. It flutters in the air for a few seconds before landing on the dresser. I continue this process, walking around the room and throwing the strands of paper at random spot in the room, careful not to touch Rina or David. Jay returns after I throw my eleventh strand. He looks around at my work with disappointment etched on his face.
"I've been gone for nearly twenty minutes and this is all you accomplish?"
"How'd you finish Jacobs room so fast?" I ask. There's no possible way he was already done.
"Well I'm not a slow poke like some people."
I frown. He grabs a new roll out of his bag and shows me how he does it. His way is so much better. By time we're finished you can hardly even see the bed anymore. It was wonderful and pleasing to see. I throw my empty roll in the direction of Rina then close the door. Jay was laughing behind me as we walked back towards my room. Once we were safely inside I decide it's okay to talk normally again instead of continuing whispering.
"How many rolls did we use?"
"Eh about five."
"Wait here."
I run out of the room and down into the kitchen. I look through the fridge until I find what I'm looking for then run back upstairs, past my room, and into Rina's room. After I'm done with my masterpiece I walk back into my room where Jay was still sitting in the bed. When I enter the room he looks up at me with a questioning gaze. I show him the can of whipped cream with a smirk.
"Finishing touches," I say.
"Ha nice."
We go silent and it's almost like we're back in the locked closet. It's awkwardly quiet and we both refuse to look at each other. It's kinda pathetic, to be honest. I take a deep breath and decide that it's time we should actually talk about important stuff. It's like he can sense what's coming because Jay looks over at me.
"Are you hungry? I'm hungry," I blurt out. That not exactly what I was hoping to say but Jay looks relieved as he nods his head.
"Ya it's about 5:30ish. Its late enough to eat breakfast. Lets go see if there's any bacon left in the fridge. I'll make some chocolate chip pancakes."
"Ooh my favorite."
We don't talk as we walk into the kitchen. Jay finds a skillet and the pancake mix while I search the fridge. I'm pleasantly surprised to see an open pack of bacon. I count how many is left, frowning slightly.
"What's wrong?" Jay asks, noticing my look.
"There's only seven pieces left."
"Well then they can each have one piece and then you and I can have two. Problem solved. Two pancakes?"
"Yes please."
We continue to work in silence. I finish making the bacon before he's done with the pancakes so I go back over to the fridge and look for my hidden cinnamon rolls. There coincidentally happens to be two left. I was saving them for myself but I suppose I can share with Jay. I put them on a small plate and put them in the microwave. When Jay sees what I'm doing, he gives me a look of disgust.
"Won't those be bad by now? You made them, like, four days ago."
"Um that offends me. If you're worried about them going gross then you don't get one."
"No, no," he says quickly. "I'll take one."
"That's what I thought," I mutter and take them out of the microwave. Jay says that the pancakes are done so I grab two plates for us and put some bacon and a cinnamon roll on each. Jay takes the plates from me to put the pancakes on it then pours lots of syrup on them.
"So domestic," I can't help but mutter to myself. Jay must've heard me, much to my embarrassment, because he smirks. I blame the Internet and my fandoms for my weirdness. We sit down across from each other at the kitchen table.

I'm nearly finished with my food before abruptly Jay starts talking. He's not really making any sense it's almost like he doesn't have control of his own mouth.
"I'm like er- I just that that we should really.. You know how I. I'm really and you should know that I never. It wasn't to. I think we should just. It's best if we do that. Ya, well, er. You look very nice," he finishes lamely. His eyes are trained on his hands but when he hears me laughing he looks up with a hurt expression.
"I look very nice? I'm in old gross looking pajamas and I'm sure my hair is sticking up. Nervous Jay?" I ask.  
"A little," he admits.
"What do you have to be nervous about?" I question in a falsely sweet voice. Earlier I hadn't been angry with Jay. I was just happy that he could look me in the eye again. But now my anger flared up again as I realized what he was about to say. I don't really care if I'm overreacting, he doesn't deserve to be forgiven yet. I had been able to accept Rina's apology only because I knew she was just worried-and because I'm never able to stay mad at her for very long- but I'm definitely interested to hear what excuse Jay manages to pull out of his butt.
He runs his hand through his hair with a loud sigh. Without saying anything else he goes back to eating. The renewed silence doesn't last very long, though.
"Let's start over."
I finish my last bite of food, purposely chewing slowly. Then I say, "Pardon?"
"Let's just- let's just restart."
"So basically you want me to forget what happened?"
"No not at all," he says quickly. "I'm just saying that we should go on more dates, hang out more, work our way up to going back to how we were."
I stand up and my chair screeches loudly. I grab my plate and look at his sad puppy dog look. That look almost makes me give in and run over to hug him. Almost.
"You haven't even said you were sorry for your accusations."
I turn my back on him and walk away. I put my plate in the sink then head into the living room go watch some tv. Jay comes in a few minutes later but is careful to ignore me. He sits on the opposite side of the room and doesn't even glance at me. The only time he acknowledges my presence is when I ask him to hand me the remote. Sigh.

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