~Chapter Seven~

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The only reason I leave my room the next day is because I'm hungry. I think they left for the beach so I should have the house to myself, which is what I'm hoping. Last night Rina was the only one who didn't tried to talk to me through the door like Jacob and David had. I think Jay attempted to because at one point I heard Jacob telling him to go back downstairs. I hadn't answered any of them though; I really didn't want to talk to anyone.
About halfway down the stairs, I hear the tv on in the living room. I cuss silently and quickly turn to dash back up to my room.
"It's too late, I see you. Now please come down here."
I have two options - try to outrun Jacob or just do as he says. I bite my lip and think over the possible outcomes for each option.
"Mira we both know I'm faster than you. Don't even consider running," he says behind me. I could tell he was trying to patient with me but very exasperated. I decide to take my chances to run. I hear Jacob curse then his footstep pounding behind me. For a split second I think I'm going to actually make it back to my room, I'm so very close. I reach my hand out and my fingers skim the wall before I'm suddenly yanked back. Jacob throws his arms tightly over my chest and starts carrying me downstairs as I kick my legs uselessly. He throws me down on the couch then sits in a chair right in front of me, blocking me from escaping.
I reluctantly look up at him. "Yes?"
He doesn't reply, just keeps staring at me with raised eyebrows. I know he's waiting for me to start ranting or cry or show some sort of emotion but I just stare right back. I turn it into a staring contest by refusing to blink. After a second or two he blinks. I smile slightly.
"You blinked," I tell him. He looks at me in confusion the frowns.
"I didn't know it was a competition," he says.
"Fine restart."
We stare at each other intently for several long seconds. He looked so concentrated that I couldn't help but laugh quietly. And then I victoriously get to say "You loose again."
I see a flash of anger cross his face but he quickly hides it with a smile.
"Let's go again," I say.
"Oka- wait, no. We're supposed to be talking about your feelings."
Now it's my turn to raise my eyebrows. I slouch back into my seat, trying to get comfortable. I have a feeling it's gonna be awhile before I'm allowed to get up again. I still don't say anything so Jacob decides to continue talking.
"How're you doing? Feeling okay?"
"Hmm how am I doing? I'm fantastic. How are you?"
"Was that sarcasm?"
"Well aren't you a smart cookie."
Back to the staring. Both of us refused to speak; Jacob was waiting for me to gossip with him, I am waiting for Jacob to let me leave. Finally, after what seems like eternity, I groan loudly and sit up. It seems that the only way to get some food and return to my room is to talk.
"Am I overreacting?" I ask Jacob. Part of me was only saying this because I wanted to get this over with and leave, the other part of me actually wanted to hear his opinion.
"No. I'm not speaking to them either."
I look at him in surprise. That's not what I was expecting him to say. I really thought he was going to tell me I'm being ridiculous and that I just need to talk to Rina and Jay.
"You aren't?"
"Well duh. They accused me of something too." He pauses, squinting at me, then abruptly says "Wanna go get some ice cream?"
Just then, of course, my stomach starts to growl. I try to ignore it. I feel like he's trying to trick me; I know him well enough to know that he almost never offers free food without some sort of scheme that benefits him. It's almost like if I accept his food that'll somehow make me want to share all of my feelings with him. I start to say no but then my stomach growls again and Jacob smirks.
"I've been hungry since I locked myself in my room last night," I finally admit. "Can we get some hamburgers first? Then ice cream?"
"Sure. I think there's a McDonald's down the street. I'll go get food while you you get dressed."
"Okie dokie. Just remember-"
"Plain hamburger with only ketchup- no cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mustard or anything else. I know."
"Ya whatever."
The others return hours later but we're too busy groaning on the couch to notice them. Slowly, one by one, they enter the living room and stare at us. I'm sure we looked pathetic; littering the ground around us was an empty Fruit Loops box, two half eaten containers of ice cream, our McDonald's trash, an open bag of suckers, and several other empty candy wrappers. Plus what we are watching on tv is pretty pathetic too.
"Kim Possible, really? How did you even find that?" David asks incredulously.
"It was on demand," I mumble, to engrossed in the show to look up at them. I gesture at the garbage laying everywhere. "Also, Jacob went to the store again."
"Ya we see that. Did you save any for me?" Rina asks. Neither of us reply. We had decided earlier that we were going to continue to ignore them until they apologize with some grand gesture. It's not exactly the vacation I pictured but it was still better than working all day at the bakery. Actually, that reminds me of something. I turn and glare at David.
"Do you think the same thing?" I demand. He looks very frightened as he shakes his head.
"I don't even know what you're talking about," he replies. Jacob rolls his eyes and gestures for him to come closer. He does and Jacob whispers something in his ear. His eyes go wide and he quickly glances at Jay and Rina then over at me. He whispers something back to Jacob and Jacob nods.
"You said that to her? Well damn no wonder you're mad at them. I'm kinda mad at them too and it wasn't even about me," he says loudly. Out of the corner of my eyes I notice Rina flinch. I have to resist smirking in satisfaction.
"Well since you weren't gossiping behind my back we can still be friends. Now be a bestie and hand me my ice cream," I say and point to the double chocolate chip container. He hand sit to me then continues to stand there awkwardly. Sometimes he reminds me of the shy kid from from class that randomly says something so funny and sarcastic that it takes you a moment to realize that it was really him that said it. I pat the spot on the couch next to me and hold out my spoon.
"Want a bite?" I ask him. He gratefully sits down but pushes away my spoon.
"Got any Skittles?"
"Oh ya, we do. I forgot we bought those. Jacob?"
Jacob reaches into the grocery bag next to him and pulls something out then throws it to me. I manage to catch it with one hand and then I hand it over to David. He practically bounces up and down with excitement as he tears the bag open. I look, around to see what Jay and Rina are doing but they're already gone. With a shrug I shove another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.
Hope you get to eat lots of yummy candy 😜🍫

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