~Chapter Twenty Seven~

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Rina's POV

"Open your mouth wider. It won't fit in!" David exclaims.
"My mouth can't go any wider. We'll just have to try again," I say.
"Your mouth is too small."
My dirty mind goes somewhere else but I decide not to say my thoughts out loud. I liked the little game we had going on and I didn't want to ruin it. David throws another Skittle in my direction but his aim is horribly wrong. Instead of going into my open mouth like it was supposed to, it bounced off my forehead and landed on my lap. I pick up the small orange candy and pop it in my mouth.
"You're bad at this," I tell him. "Let me try."
He hands me the bag of Skittles. After only two tries I manage to land one in his mouth. I smile victoriously. Then I pour a bunch into my mouth. As I chew, David throws something towards me. I cringe away from me and it lands a few inches away from my foot.
"I think Mira's trying to get ahold of you," he says. I look at the object he threw at me- my phone. Two missed calls and six text messages. All of them were from Mira saying to call her immediately. I swallow my lump of candy and decide to call her back. It rings, and rings, and rings but she doesn't answer. I text her instead.
What do you need now? -Rina
Then I click on my music app and turn up the volume. I hit shuffle and random song starts blaring through my small phone speakers. David raises his eyebrows.
"Was I too boring for you?" he questions.
"Definitely," I reply sarcastically. "No I just thought the house was too silent. We need music playing or something."
I didn't like the song that was playing so I skip to the next one.
"Oh this is my favorite!" I shout as I stand up. I wiggle to the beat of the music and look down at David. He was staring at me in amusement. I reach down and grab his arm and yank hard. He doesn't budge. I tug on more time and this time he complies and stand up next to me.
"Dance with me David!"
At first he seems reluctant but eventually starts dancing randomly with me. I pull him over to the couch and jump onto it. He gives me a glare when I start bouncing up and down on it.
"Don't be a party pooper," I say to him. He rolls his eyes as he climbs up on it. He bounces a little hesitantly as he tests the couch. After his fifth bounce, he relaxes and jumps slightly higher. He can't jump too high, though, or else he'll hit his head in the ceiling.
We don't jump on the couch for long. My phone starts ringing in the middle of the song. I jump off of the couch and over to my phone. It, of course, was Mira.
"May I help you?" I say in greeting.
"Be at my parents house at 7:30 tonight. Bring a bathing suit, towel, and about $10. And tell no one but David."
She then hangs up. I stare at my phone for a few seconds in confusing before shrugging and setting my phone down.
"What did she want?" David asks, still bouncing up and down on the couch. I shrug my shoulders again.
"I don't really know but I need to go get to work on this wedding planning. Be in your bathing suit by 7:20. I guess we're going swimming or something."
At 7:30 exactly, we're standing on Mira's parent's porch. I've knocked and rang the doorbell several times but so far there's been no response. I didn't want to just walk in cause who knows what's going on. Plus the door was locked. So we just stand there awkwardly waiting for someone to let us in.
"I guess maybe we should just go around back," David suggests. I nod and follow him off of the porch. We walk around the house and through the gate in the fence. And there everyone was, standing around the pool- Mira, Jay, Jacob, Eliza, Cameron, and about ten other people I didn't know. Music was playing and there was a table full of food. The pool light was on, making the water appear purple and some person I didn't know did a cannonball off of the diving board. None of them notice us as we walk over to the table of food. Chewy, Mira's family's very old dog, was laying underneath it. Magnus was right next to Taz and wagging its tail and pouncing on a large ball. I bend down and pet Chewy, who lifted his head slightly to look at me.
"Hey old man. How's it going?"
In reply he just makes a sighing noise and lays his head back on the ground. Magnus comes over and starts crawling onto Chewy. The old dog doesn't even blink. I grab Magnus and pick him up.
"Leave Chewy alone. He's old," I say. Really, its surprising he's even alive anymore. He's so ancient that he barely even moves and he spends almost all of the day sleeping. He doesn't need energetic little puppies climbing all over him.
I carry Magnus over to where Mira was. Without saying hi, I put the dog in her arms.
"He was bothering Chewy," I explain.
"Bad Magnus. Don't bother your older brother," she scolds. Magnus starts squirming so she sets him down in the grass. Then she gestures around at the backyard. She smiles widely.
"So what? Where's your parents?" I ask. She shrugs.
"I don't really know. Cameron called me and said they were gone and that was going to be a pool party. So I told you, Jacob, and Eliza. Cameron and Della invited some of their friends, too. I think there's a few more people that are supposed to be coming but I don't really know. Food is on the table and alcohol is in the basement fridge. If my siblings ask, though, you brought your own alcohol. They're not allowed to have any."
"Okay but then why did you tell me to bring money?" I ask her.
"Oh yea. Well you needed help pay for the food and drinks. Pizza will be arriving soon, I've got some cookies inside, there's chips, candy, and alcohol. These things aren't free, ya know."
"I'm not paying you for anything."
"Everyone else has paid," she says. I roll my eye and pull out the money. She has a smug look on her face as she takes it from me. I quickly forget about it though and suddenly get excited.
"I've got a few surprises for you," I tell her. I drag her over to where David was standing. He was still next to the table with his cheeks puffed out because they were full of food.
"Where'd you put that bag?" I ask him. He points over to the backdoor. Next to the door was the giant bag that I made David carry in for me. In it was all of the details I've gathered for her wedding.
I unzip the bag and pull out four little blue boxes wrapped in a silver bow. I hold them out to show her but Mira just looks at me cluelessly.
"Um....thanks?" she says uncertainly.
"They're your bridesmaids invites. They're very popular now and I thought they were adorable. You give these to the people you want to ask to be your bridesmaid and it's got something inside for them. I didn't know how many people you were asking so I made four," I explain.
She grins and says, "Oh that's fun. I don't really know who I want to ask, though."
"That's okay. I just wanted to show them to you. Also I have a lot more things I want you and Jay to look at so here's the bag of stuff. Just look at it whenever you guys have the chance."
She throws her arms around me and gives me a quick hug.
"Thanks bestie," she says.
"Welcome," I reply. "Now let's go swim."
"Alrighty. Oh wait first I wanted to ask if you'd come over to my house tomorrow. Since my parents are gone I thought we'd attempt to paint a few of the rooms."
"That way they can't stop you."
"Exactly. Also I have something wonderful planned for the boys. I was thinking-"
She abruptly stops talking mid sentence. For a confused moment I didn't understand why. Then when I looked over my shoulder to see Jacob and Jay walking towards us. I look back at Mira, who now has an evil glint in her eyes. I raise my eyebrow at her and she mouths the words, 'play along.'
"Hey Rina," she says loudly. "Tag. You're it."
She jumps forward, nearly knocking into me, and touches me on the arm.
"Remember when we pushed them in the pool that first summer?" she whispers quickly into my ear. Before I can react she's running away giggling. I didn't need any further explanation. I understood her one hundred percent.
I run towards the two of them and they instantly turn around and start running. After running in a circle three times I'm out of breath. I still chase after them though.
"Just give up," Jacob yells over his shoulder.
"You'll never catch up to us," says Jay. That only makes me more determined. Finally, after two more circles around the backyard, they get close enough to the pool.
"Wait," I wheeze. "Pause. I think-" I have to take a deep breath. "I think I'm going to pass out."
Even though it wasn't totally a lie my words get them to stop. They turn around and look at me in concern and Mira comes walking towards me. She also looks concerned but she winks and flashes me a quick grin.
"Are you okay?" Jay asks me. Mira allows me a few more seconds to catch my breathe before we reply. We take a step towards them, glance at each other and share an identical evil grin, then take another step forward.
"We're your worst nightmare," we both say at the same time. Then we shove them hard. They fall backwards and into the pool, nearly landing on one of Cameron's friends.
They come back up sputtering in surprise.
"That- that didn't even make any sense," Jacob says angrily. "Also your lucky I didn't have my phone in my pocket."
"Well I did! I'm sure it's ruined," Jay says very dramatically. Mira rolls her eyes.
"Oh shut up. We both know you just put a new life proof case on it. Your phone is fine," she says.
"But I haven't tested it yet. What if it didn't work?"
"I tested it today in the bathtub. I wanted to know if I could hear music underwater."
"You people are crazy," Jacob mutters.
"We know," we say.
"Oh, and by the way, you're it," I say, smirking. We turn around and start to walk away. We don't get very far unfortunately. I don't know how we didn't see it coming.
They quickly pull themselves out of the pull and pick us up. Before I could even close my eyes I'm thrown into the water. My feet find the bottom of the pool and I push myself up and grab onto the ledge.
"What was that for?" Runs demands. The boys shrug.
In a mocking tone they say, "We're your worst nightmares."
"And now you're it again," adds Jacob. They walk away laughing. I start to climb out of the pool but Mira stops my by grabbing my arm.
"Revenge shall come tomorrow. We must be patient young grasshopper."

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