~Chapter Thirty Four~

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Rina's POV
I hold an uncapped pen inches from David's face. He didn't look as frightened as I had hoped.
"Where. Is. Mira." I say for about the fifth time. Once again, neither David or Jacob reply. I've looked everywhere for Mira but somehow she's disappeared. I have searched every room in this stupid building and she's vanished. I know these two were involved.
I inch the pen closer to David's face.
"The wedding is in two hours. Mira needs to finish getting ready. Where is she?" I demand.
"You realize that's not a knife, right?" Jacob asks.
"Ya, I'm not very threatened by a pen," says David. I groan and throw the pen to the floor. Useless boys.
"But," says Jacob with an evil look in his eye, "I will tell you where they are."
"And what made you suddenly change your mind?"
"Don't worry about it. Just know that you owe me a favor. So, do we have a deal?"
I only take a few seconds to consider it before agreeing. I'm sure I'll regret it later but right now I needed to find Mira and Jay and get their butts ready for this wedding.
He tells me and I take of jogging. I'd run but I don't like to sweat.

When I reach the end of the stupid trail Jacob told me about, I want to scream in frustration. I find them laying underneath a tree. As I get closer, my frustration ebbs. They were asleep. They probably didn't intend on being here for so long but dozed off during their picnic. They looked peaceful and cute snuggled together. I pull out my phone and take a quick picture of them before shaking them awake.
Mira blinks a few times before she even realizes I'm standing there. When she does, she abruptly stands up. She glances around and rubs her eyes then looks up at me guiltily.
"Sorry," is all she says. It's all she needs to say. I grab her arm and start dragging her away.
"Don't worry. I'll clean up," Jay yells sarcastically after us.
"Good to know," I yell back.
Mira's POV
"I, Jay, take you, Mira, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

"I, Mira, take you, Jay, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Jay grins the biggest smile I've ever seen. I can only imagine that my smile is just as big. Then he wraps his arms around me, dips me down, and kisses me. Behind me, I can here someone clapping. It's most likely Rina. I zone it out and enjoy the moment.

I can't believe how fast the night is going. It was already time to cut the cake. Then, after that, the first dance. Rina grabs my hand and Jay's hand and starts to excitedly drag us towards the cake.
Not for the first time tonight, I'm glad that my dress is short. I can't imagine how many times I would've tripped on it or how hot I'd be.
"Ok I have to ask. What are you up to Rina?" I question as we get closer to the table where the cake was. It seemed she got more excited every step we took. I mean, cake is good and I'm excited too but this was an unnecessary amount of excitement.
"Nothing. Why would you ask?" she replies without even looking over her shoulder. We reach the table and Jacob, David, Eliza, Cameron, and several other were already gathered around. Jacob and David looked smug. Eliza just looked satisfied, as if she just figured out a hard math equation. She winks when I catch her gaze. None of these looks reassured me.
Rina hands me a knife and gestures to the cake. I make eye contact with Jay. I can tell that he also thinks they're acting suspicious. I shrug and bend over the cake. I'd like to assume that they wouldn't try anything on my wedding day. Jay shrugs as well and places his hand on top of mine to help me cut into the cake.

The knife barely touches the cake when there's a loud pop sound. At first I just think that it's the beginning to some weird song but then I'm blinded by something sparkly. I let out a yell and stumble backwards into Jay. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel myself trip over his feet and start to fall. We would've both fallen backwards but he manages to catch me and balance us. I open my eyes again. Confetti. All I can see is tons and tons of confetti.
When the flood of colorful confetti finally stops, I see where it had come from. My once gorgeous and delicious looking cake was split on half and a gray tube was sticking out of it. A few stray pieces of confetti were still blowing out.
I stare at Rina with my mouth wide open. I can't even think of anything to say. I just keep staring at her in shock. She giggles and claps her hands.
"Wh-What... what just.. I don't..." is all I can manage.
"Surprise!" she yells and gestures to the ruined cake. I want to cry. Rina had been so adamant that I wasn't allowed to make my own wedding cake or that my dad couldn't make it either. She thought that I needed to take a break and allow someone else to make it. It turned out to be one of the most gorgeous cakes ever- definitely better than anything I'd ever made. And now she's ruined it.
When I look desperately at Jay, I can tell he has no words either. He looked as surprised as I did. Rina giggles again and everyone around us joins in.
"Relax," she says. She moves to the side. I see Della walking towards us pushing a cake that was identical to the cake that was just destroyed- before it was destroyed, of course.
"We just wanted your wedding to be a bang," Rina jokes. "Get it?"
When I don't laugh, her smile falters.
"This is the real cake. The other one was just plastic," she explains and points to the one Della just rolled in. I blink a few times to regain my composure then I glare at her. It wasn't really that big of a deal but it was totally unnecessary. She tries to say something but I ignore her. Jay and I cut into the real cake. A few people clap. Rina once again attempts to talk to me but I walk away with Jay. He was pulling me towards the dance floor.

He puts his arms around me as the song starts and we start swaying back in forth. We stare at each other and the silence lasts about ten seconds before I start giggling.
"This is awkward," I whisper. "I can feel everyone's eyes watching us."
"I know. That's what they're supposed to be doing."
"Well it's weird. I'd prefer it if they didn't watch," I reply.
"Would you like me to yell at them to all close their eyes?"
"Yes please. You know how I feel about people watching me."
He rolls his eyes in response. We fall into silence for a few more seconds. This time, though, he's the one to break it.
"I always wondered what a bride and groom talked about during their first dance," he says.
"So did I. I highly doubt this is what most talk about though."
"Very true."
We manage to stay silent the rest of the song. As the song ends, Jay unexpectedly twirls me. I nearly trip and fall but luckily he steadies me. Almost as soon as the song is over, Rina comes stomping over to me. She looks pissed.
"Are you really mad at me for the cake thing?" she demands. I blink in surprise.
"What? No. I already forgot about it. But now that you bring it up, I didn't appreciate it. You dummy."
"Ok so note to self- don't explode people's wedding cakes," she says, looking relieved.
"That's some good advice. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dance with my dad."
"Done but you better promise me a dance after that."
"Well duh."
"Then after that," Jay interrupts, "I'd like to request to spend the rest of the night with my bride."
Rina makes a small squeaking noise and gives us a manic looking grin.
"Bride. That's so cute," she says. Jacob walks over with a smug smile on his face.
"I'd like to call in my favor," he says. I have no idea what he's talking about but Rina just groans.
"What?" she demands. Jacob nods towards a table where a few girls were standing in a group. I'm not really sure who they were but they were some of Jay's relatives.
"Introduce me to that red head," he says. Rina crinkles her nose and shakes her head.
"Whatever. Come on."
Jacob walks away and Rina turns to look at me an winks.
"Save me that dance Bride Mira," she says.
"Oh shush and let me dance with my dad," I say and shove her to the side. Dad was waiting patiently a few feet away. Rina squeals again and walks away with Jay and Jacob trailing after her. I roll my eyes but internally I'm squealing too. 'My bride.' I never thought someone would say that and be referring to me.

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