Chapter Sixteen

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Day Sixteen:

Apparently, I missed group this morning. Danny said he tried to wake me up, but I wouldn't budge. I got up, thinking I was going to group, when all hell broke lose.


Here we go again.

I'm withdrawing.

NOT AGAIN! It hurts, damn it! It fucking hurts! This time it is much, much worse. I started throwing up acid and blood. My body went from color to pale, very quickly. I started to foam from the mouth. Here come the sweating and the shakes again. Thank God Danny was there. He ran out and got me help.

My eyes started to roll to the back of my head and I fell to the floor. Seizing. This is it. This is the end. I'm not going to make it.

I woke up in the hospital room, yet again.

However, this time the doctor had some interesting news. He told me, what I was experiencing wasn't withdrawal. I was overdosing. When he pumped my stomach he found enough ecstasy to kill a horse. A horse? How much was in me?

He asked me if I did it to myself. I told him no. I even had Emily backing me up. She assured the doctor that I was at the party the whole time and that there were no drugs or alcohol. 

It was now obvious what happened. Somebody drugged me. But who?

The doctor told me whoever did it, wasn't trying to just drug me. 

They were trying to kill me.

I have never feared for my life before, until now. Emily said she is going to review the tapes and see who did this to me. Whoever did it will be fined and charged with attempted manslaughter.

Why would someone try to kill me? Who would do something like that? I asked to be released so I can go back to my room at New Beginnings. Even though the doctor didn't think it was a good idea, he let me go. 

I just want to go to sleep. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to think. I don't want to do anything.

I'm just going to say one thing, before I end this. Whoever did this to me. I hope you're happy. I hope you are extremely happy. Also, I hope you can live with yourself, knowing that you almost ended someone's life.

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