Chapter Twenty-One

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  • Dedicated to Chum Joseph Marshall

Bes was becoming more and more furious as well as irritated with each passing moment.

What Bes had found out was that the assassin working with Amun was one of the most dangerous fugitives Egypt has seen in centuries. That thought alone frightened Bes more than anything.

However, his patience was wearing thin for whenever they would find a clue at the location to which they were summoned, yet another was found, sending them to yet another location.

They were having their fun with sending them around and around.

They wanted them to give up.

Well, if they thought that Bes would give up because of their little chase they had another thing coming.

On the outside the young Pharaoh held his composure but, when one looked closely, the fear and panic was evident in his dark brown eyes. The mere thought of Bailey being tortured, raped, and then left alone to die was nearly enough to bring him to his knees. His heart skipped as images of her light coloured eyes staring up at him, lifeless, burned through his mind.

If anything would happen to her...

The thought burned inside and out.

He knew he was overreacting. Bailey was nothing like the women in Egypt and she knew how to fight. Bes smirked as his mind flashed back to when they first met and knew that even if she got hurt she would try her damndest to get out of the predicament she had found herself in.

Nevertheless, he prayed to the Egyptian Gods, asking for their forgiveness, asking for them to keep her safe. Then Bes promised himself that even if a hair was touched on her delicate head that he would skin whoever responsible.

He was brought out of his thoughts by one of the guards that were behind him. He listened as the young man growled, anger dripped from his voice like poison. "This bastard must be stopped! Where did he run off to this time?"

Bes turned, narrowing his gaze at the man, before sneering at him. "And who are you to be angry, you insolent fool? She is not your bride."

"She certainly is not my bride, My King, but she is the bride of the King of Egypt, therefore, if it is our duty to protect our King than it is also our duty to protect our Queen. Lady Bailey is an inspiration to all of us, My Pharaoh. And as your guards, we promise that we will do whatever we can to ensure her safety." With that all of the guards bowed.

Under normal circumstances Bes would not have allowed any of his guards to speak so freely, but right at that moment it was heart warming to know that his people were supportive. Knowing that Bailey was well liked by nearly everyone, including his guards and servants, was encouraging beyond anything Bes could ever imagine and he was grateful to them.

For once the words of his people outweighed the needs of his pride.

Breaking out of his thoughts Bes completely turned his horse around and looked at his men. "Do we have any idea on where this watering hole is?"

One by one they shamefully shook their heads. Bes' eyes glanced around the area and felt hopeless. He knew these lands well, but he also knew that these sands crossed over a vast distance of Egypt and finding a watering hole wasn't going to be an easy feat. And whichever way he turned he was met by nothing but sand.

Besides them there was absolutely no sign of life.

Again the helpless feeling overcame Bes as he continued to look about. Ra was soon to take his leave and darkness would soon fall, leaving it almost impossible for them to see where they were going.

The young Pharaoh prayed that Bailey would survive until morning.


Bailey didn't know how long she lay in the corner of her little cell. Her vision kept fading in an out as she drifted out of consciousness every so often. Every inch of her body hurt, her wrists, which were now finally freed from their binds, were swollen and they ached.

Not to mention the sleep deprivation and the lack of food and water were really beginning to take their toll on her.

She honestly thought she was going to die.

As selfish as it was, in truth, she prayed to whatever God was watching over them that they would somehow allow her to go free.

Yeah. Hell would have to freeze over before anything like that ever happened.

Grumbling to herself, she decided to try and take her mind off of the pain and the situation that she was in by singing Daughtry's song Home. It was one of the songs she and her mother had sung together during her mother's final days in the hospital as she finally lost her long battle with cancer.

A single tear rolled down her cheek. Oh how she missed her mother and her father. They had both been taken away from her too soon. She had barely been thirteen when she lost her father, a soldier in the US army, and her mother who had passed a little over a year ago, just a month before her twentieth birthday.

There were still so many things that she had wanted to experience with her family and they were no longer there with her.

And now here she was, trapped in another time, with her death slowly approaching. She was going to die alone and no one was going to know where she was.

This was all sort of fucked up.

Bailey was silently pulled from her thoughts as she heard footsteps in the distance. She listened as they got closer. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as they got louder and louder until they stopped in front of her cell. She refused to look up and give them the satisfaction of seeing her scared.

For once in her life she was absolutely terrified.

A familiar and cold voice filled the room. "So I see that you are still alive."


"Correction, Sarah." And as if Sarah could sense the silent question, she added. "I'm surprised you haven't realized who I am yet."

"Should I have?"

"You useless, oblivious twit, I am Sarah McLellan. Remember now?"

Bailey froze. Yes, she did remember her. She remembered seeing her the years she accompanied her mother to her office at the Research Centre. Sarah McLelllan was one of the time-travel researchers who vanished a little less than a year ago. Some sort of accident the authorities had said. "So this is where you ended up."

"Yes. Thanks to your inept mother who didn't know the meaning of the words 'don't touch' both my brother, who in this time, is known as Amun, and I, were transported here with no way in ever returning back home."

Did that mean?

"Yes, I brought you here. To change history so that I can finally have the future I wanted."

"Why did you bring me here then? What did I do to you?"

"You? Nothing really. You're just collateral damage," she sneered. "Your mother ruined my life, so I shall ruin yours and that buffoon known as the Pharaoh of Egypt. That man really has fallen for you, Bailey. It'd be a shame to kill his precious bride in front of him, wouldn't it?"

Bailey felt her anger rise and she snarled at the other woman. "You psychotic bitch!"

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