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Seven summers later...


To whomever reads this:

'By the time you receive this I will be long gone. In my wake, here is what I give to you:

It has been seven years since Sarah and Jonathon deliberately transported me back from the year 2012 AD to Ancient Egypt. And, as much as I hated them for ripping my life away from me as they did, I also must thank them.

I would not have met and fell in love with the Pharaoh who reigned over Egypt.'

Bailey wrote on the notepad, glancing over to the bed where her husband and two children lay snuggled against one another. She sighed, going back to the piece of paper which she was writing on, thankful that she still had some things that reminded her that her old life was not some bizarre dream.

'I sometimes wonder how much things have changed—if they changed at all—since I have been there. Have seven years really gone by since I was there? Or is time different when you time travel? Perhaps I could ask the Doctor if he ever brings his TARDIS this way. Of course, the creatures and people from the famous British television series are not real, but as a fan of it myself I would like to think that someday I could be his companion.'

Bailey smirked to herself, carefully getting up from the padded chair and heading over to the balcony, the notepad and pen in hand, and she looked out over the Kingdom. Sitting down on the tiled floor she started writing again.

'Oh if only the historians of our time could see how the world was back then, how people were treated differently, and how we didn't have to rely on machinery or anything for us to live in a life of luxury. How we forget the simple things in life and how we just let things pass us by without taking note of the beauty which life brings on a daily basis.

As you read this you're probably thinking that this is some sort of joke. A cruel prank meant to test the intellect of the amazing archaeologists of the world. I ensure you that this is not the case. Perhaps I am doing the world a great injustice by writing this for the future that I am no longer a part of, to allow time to be rewritten. Hopefully I am doing the right thing in doing this. In letting you know with how things were done without having to decipher the words that will one day be in a language long forgotten.

Do me one favour, live your life to the fullest. Do things that make you happy because, after all, if you cannot be happy in the life you are living then perhaps you should change in the way that you live. Do not allow others to make your decisions for you.

They say you only have one life to live so why not use it?

My name is Bailey Ivy Lynn DuMont of Rear Lake, Minnesota, United States of America. I write to you as the Queen of Egypt, the wife to Pharaoh Bes and mother to Ivyanna and Rameses. And with this, I bid ye farewell.'

Bailey looked up from the paper. The sun had gone down ages ago and the moon shone brightly above, the light was just enough to permit her to see what she was writing. She looked up at the sky smiling as she noticed how bright the stars were shining, dancing in their places against the blackness of the night. The only sounds that could be heard were the crickets and the gentle trickle of the waters flowing throughout the palace garden located below them.

"Mama?" A small, groggy voice called and Bailey turned her head and smiled, looking at her four year old daughter, Ivyanna, who was rubbing a hand sleepily over her eyes.

"Yes baby?" She asked softly, placing her notepad and pen down, holding out her other hand for her daughter to take. "Why are you awake?"

"I could not sleep without you." The young girl murmured, laying her head against her mother's chest. She lifted her head slightly. "Could you not sleep either, mama?"

Bailey gave her a small smile. "No, I could not baby. Mama has a lot on her mind right now."

"Are you thinking about your home?"

"Yes, baby, I am."

"Do you ever miss it?"

"At times, yes," Bailey admitted, brushing a strand of dark brown hair out of her daughter's face, tucking it behind her ear.

"If you could, would you ever go back?"

Bailey swallowed the lump in her throat. Would she? "Only if I got to take you, your brother and your father with me."

The little girl nodded and some time passed where Bailey began thinking that she had fallen asleep when her voice spoke one more time. "Mama?"


"Is the world that you're from beautiful?"

A small smile crept onto Bailey's face. "Yes, baby."

"Could you tell me a story that your mama use to tell you?" Ivyanna stifled a yawn, hoping that Bailey wouldn't hear, but she did.

Bailey chuckled softly. "Absolutely. Which one would you like to hear?"

"The one with the Princess in a tower with golden hair so long it reached the bottom of the tower." She asked, looking up at her mother hopefully. "Please mama?"

"Ah, the story of Rapunzel, I think I could do that." Bailey pulled Ivyanna further up on her lap, wrapping her arms around the young girl, leaning against the pillar as she listened to her mother's story; "Once upon a time in a land, far, far away..."


Author's Note: Sands of Yore has a sequel!  The Broken Hourglass is up on wattpad, and the link will be provided in the comments! Enjoy guys! 

And thank you so much :D

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