Chapter Five

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Bailey still couldn't fathom the words that had come out of that guy's mouth as she lay on the ground in the farthest corner of the cell that she was in. She wanted to believe that this was all some sort of sick joke and that he was pulling her leg but by the expression on his face his words held some important meaning and he was not afraid to pull through on his threat.

Closing her eyes, she contemplated her escape, especially if Bes was actually going to kill her.

She had met some very rude, ignorant men before but this man just took the whole damned cake. Albeit she realized that she was just as much of a bitch to him as he was being an asshole to her. She closed her eyes, silently counting to ten before opening them back up again. She didn't want to die and Bailey began to seriously consider the level of her sanity. She wanted to know where she was and why the hell she was there.

She also wanted to know exactly what Bes meant by Pharaohs and not knowing about America and that she would be impressed by where she was?

She had a feeling that whatever the answer that she would receive at some point in time that her reaction wouldn't be a good one. Albeit, her own attitude towards the whole ordeal couple with Bes' sure didn't help her situation at all, and she highly doubted that it'd help her reaction either.

Guilt seemed to rise in her conscience. Maybe she should apologize and try to get along with the guy. Although, his anger management problem was going to be an issue for sure and she was dubious about being able to really do anything about it.

Sighing, she closed her eyes again, allowing the silence within the dungeon to lull her in and out of sleep. Bailey never acknowledged how much she was tired until it hit her like a ton of bricks.

She began to doze off, vaguely thinking of the slight possibility that her food or drink she had earlier was spiked and that its effect was to make the victim have partial amnesia and hallucinations. Yes, that's exactly what she had to be going through. Because surely none of this was real.

Well, that's what she believed until a shout filled the dungeon when her heart skipped a beat and her eyes flew open, her head snapping to the side to where she heard the voice.

Bailey fought the urge to roll her eyes as she watched the jerk from before come strolling into the main area of the basement prison. He looked at her with slight disappointment and Bailey frowned.

Why the hell would he be disappointed for? Her mind questioned as she laid her head back down onto the floor. She yawned, feeling fed up with this guy and the assault that she had already gone through.

Even if he was pretty damned hot.

A groan escaped her, Bailey clenched her eyes shut, berating herself for even thinking of something like that.

"Are you alright?"

Bailey opened her eyes at the slight concern coating his voice. And when she did she cringed, wishing that she hadn't.

"Yep. I'm fine but can you please get your family jewels out of my face?"

Bes scowled, looking more than confused. "...My what?"

Bailey's face burned with embarrassment as she pointed in the direction in which she assumed was where his genital area was. " know."

It took a moment for the young king to realize which she was referring to but when he did he chuckled. "Such appropriate responses from a maiden. However, it is odd that one of your age should react as an...inexperienced girl."

You've got to be kidding me! Bailey growled out in frustration. She did not want to get into this. Not right now. "Well, yeah, whatever. Get out of my face or else I will."

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