Bonus Chapter I

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Thank you to kamiromance and Ameliareign for suggesting this. I hope all of you enjoy these bonus chapters.

And one other thing I wanted to add before I started, I apologize got any mistakes, I was working on this on my phone. If you see any sort of mistake (grammatical, spelling, etc) please let me know? Thanks!

Love you all <3



Bailey walked along the palace gardens one early afternoon, alone with her thoughts, it had been a few months since Bes and Bailey took to the world of Ancient Egypt as husband and wife; King and Queen.

As she thought more on it, the entire thing still seemed so surreal, but what scared her the most was that whenever she thought back to the life she had back in the United States, it was even more so.

She smiled nonetheless, never in her life had she ever dreamed that she would've been brought back to ancient times and find the man she'd fall in love with.  At first, she'd be the first to admit, she tried her damnedest to get the hell away from that time and away from Bes. 

Whom, what she remembered from textbooks, was annoying, irritating, childish, and cruel. And she softly chuckled, thinking back to when she first met him.  Not so much cruel, she figured, but more like a bit of an asshole; however, as time went on and they spent more time together she knew that history books was completely wrong and she was happy that she was beginning to notice a change in his behaviour and his personality. 

She had changed him.

Bailey had to admit, that little thought made her feel awfully happy and proud.

Especially after many people had commented that they had feared for not only their safety, but the safety of the people and other Kingdoms as well.

"My Queen, are you alright?"

Guilt somewhat ate away at her, she had forgotten all about her personal maid coming along with her through the gardens. "Oh, I just was thinking. Please forgive me."

"If I may be able to say," She hesitantly requested, giving Bailey a smile upon getting approval. "You are the Queen of Egypt, m'lady it is obvious that anyone in such a position would have much on their mind."

Bailey sighed, "I guess so. So much has changed, even throughout the time I had been here... I just, I don't know if what my before this was but a dream. Not now."

Naoon, as well as Kahlun, both small girls when Bailey first arrived in Ancient Egypt had helped her ease - somewhat - into the ways of life here and have become good friends to Bailey.

"You may have been birthed in the future, but your place, belongs here.". Naoon grinned from ear to ear. "I could never imagine how life would have been if you had never came."

That honestly warmed Bailey's heart tremendously and she opened her arms wide, gesturing for Naoon to give her a hug and was rewarded with one.

"Thank you Naoon," Bailey whispered to the young woman. "Your friendship has been, and will always be treasured."

* * *

The early morning sun shone in through the balcony of her, and Bes' bedchambers, usually waking Bailey up.

However, this time, she was awoken to vengeance like one wouldn't believe and there wasn't anyone sound tormenting her. No, it was her damn stomach. Bailey gasped, clutching at her belly and bolting out of bed, making it just in time to empty the contents out in a pail that she has requested a week ago when the sickness began.

At first, she chocked it up to eating something he body didn't after with, then she figured it was stress.

Now on the other hand, she was thinking of something completely different.

Before she could think anything more on it Bailey retched again, her stomach harassed her, feeling as though it was doing somersaults and flips, and she groaned.

Hopefully whatever it was would stop sometime soon.

Shakily, she went from hands and knees and manoeuvred herself until she was sitting down with her head, which was now pounding, against the wall.

She didn't know how long she sat there but she was startled awake by someone shaking her, frantically calling out to her.

Opening her eyes, she was met with the concerned looks of both Kahlun and Naoon.

It was Kahlun who spoke first, "My Queen are you alright?"

Her stomach was still, somewhat, churning when she went to open her mouth to speak, but not trusting her voice she decided to answer with a no.

"Do you wish of us to inform Pharaoh?"

A nod.

Bailey closed her eyes as Kahlun went to fetch Bes and Naoon remained with her, rummaging through the bath items she has brought and dunking a piece of fabric into the water and placing it upon her forehead.

The coolness of the cloth felt calming to her and she reached out with shaky hands in which Naoon took with both, her thumb caressing little circles on the back of Bailey's hand.

Soon, she was met with not only Kahlun and Bes, but was also greeted by Tallimore and the palace physician.

Bes went to her other side and propped her up into a more comfortable position as he knelt down before her, grabbing her other hand and with his other one placing it on the top of her head, sort of smoothing out her disheveled hair.

"What seems to be the problem, My Queen?"

Swallowing, Bailey almost cringed as she spoke, her voice sounding weak to her ears. "It-it's probably nothing, but I've just been feeling sick for the past few mornings."

"How do you feel after the midday meal?"


"It's only in the morning?"

She nodded.


"Is she alright?" Bes asked, more like snapped at the Doctor and Bailey squeezed his hand in warning.

"Quite alright, My Pharaoh." The physician smiled at them, his eyes twinkling upon turning his attention to Tallimore. "What have the Gods declared?"

Tallimore opened his eyes and turned to the group, a smile upon his face, then bowed.

And it was something that Bailey had a feeling, and she felt the grip that both her husband and Naoon had on her hands tightened slightly as they waited for what he was about to tell them.

"My Pharaoh. My Queen." He began, "The Gods have blessed you with child."

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