Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Being careless is what causes accidents, Bes. Precautions must be taken so that accidents can be avoided. Besides, this was no accident. You allowed it to happen!" Sarah roared her eyes wide, insanity burning in their depths, "They were your family and you didn't do anything to help prevent them from being killed. If it wasn't for your selfishness they would still be with us."

She took another step towards him. She smirked, feeling enjoyment at the inner turmoil of emotions cascading down on Bes. She was going to have fun with this. "You are a selfish human being. No wonder your father did not think you worthy enough to be Pharaoh."

Even though Bes was attempting to not listen to a word that this evil excuse for a woman was saying he couldn't stop the dagger of pain that struck him right in the chest. His heart constricted, gritting his teeth Bes allowed a growl to escape. He was getting tired of this woman.

She was correct. If it wasn't for his selfishness his siblings would still be there.

He was such a fool for thinking that they were nothing more than weak, that they weren't going to be the next ruler of Egypt because they couldn't fight off a few petty thieves.

His eyes gazed over to where Bailey was unconscious. A lump formed in his throat as he fought to control his composure.

It took someone from the future to make him realize that they were warriors. They fought until the bloody end. They held the fury of Ra in their Ka's.

Bes clenched his eyes shut, as the memory of the day surfaced to his mind. It played through his mind that he felt as though he was living it all over again. It happened a summer prior to him becoming Pharaoh. His brother was beheaded and his sister raped then murdered.

And all he did was stand there and do absolutely nothing to prevent it.

Bes was the one who was the coward.

Guilt was soon replaced by a fire that, even he, was frightened by. He let out an enraged snarl, wrenching the dagger from his shoulder, letting it fall to the sand as he jumped up, ignoring the pain in his shoulder, storming towards Sarah.

Her eyes were wide from shock. She backed up in panic. She looked over to Jonathon for help, but he turned away from her, making haste so as not to be noticed as he vacated from the area. Knowing well what Bes was going to do. She gasped, attempting to escape his hands as they closed around her throat.

"How dare you! You bitter whore! First you tamper with our minds so that you can become a member of my court, then you decide to bring Bailey here in order to get your revenge on her deceased mother for accidentally causing you and your brother to be brought here." Bes snarled, brown eyes boring into her own with such hatred, such anger, that Sarah felt it radiating off of him like a wave. "Now you try to smite me and those close to you because of your hatred for something that cannot be fixed."

"Her mother ruined my life!" Sarah choked out, tears of anger, helplessness and the knowledge that she would never return home streamed down her face. "If it wasn't for her I would've been married to the man of my dreams. Instead I'm stuck here while everyone else is happy. I want to go home. And I want to have revenge."

Bes faltered for a moment but tightened his grip on her throat again, this time taking small steps towards the edge of the cliff they were on. "If anyone here is selfish it is you. You are willing to ruin the lives of others for the sake of your own happiness, knowing that you will never get back. Any man who thinks of taking you as their own deserves the same fate."

"Ah, there we are," Sarah sneered, smiling maliciously, defiantly looking Bes in the eyes. "A man who cannot take the repercussions of his own faults shouldn't be so quick to judge. How appropriate, eh Pharaoh?"

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