Bonus Chapter II

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Thanks again to kamiromance for suggesting this idea to me a while ago. 

Thank you everyone for your kind words and your support.

You're awesome.

Again, if any one of you have any other ideas for bonus chapters please let me know either PM or in the comments below and I'll try and get them done as soon as I possibly can!

Enjoy my pretties xD


For the first time in a long while, Egypt was blessed with a bout of rain and coupled with the slight breeze that accompanied it the temperature not only in the kingdom had lowered, but also inside the palace.

Bailey had always felt solace whenever it rained back home, listening to the pitter-patter sound of the rain as it hit the pavement as both her and her mother sat on the front porch of her grandparents home.

Even though it had been so long since she had been back in her own time that Bailey couldn't help but wonder how her grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, and colleagues were doing; wondering how much things have changed since she's been there.

If any changes at all.

She missed doing things that she used to do and with whom she did those things with, and as of late, with her ninth month of pregnancy fast approaching she was missing it even more.

Hopefully as soon as she birthed their little one and be able to hold him or her that those feelings and thoughts would disappear for the time being.

At least she hoped.

Sighing, she leaned against the balcony railing of hers and Bes' bedchamber and glanced out at the dark skies, rain continuing its assault on the land.

She winced as she felt pain in her abdomen, wrapping around to her back and it increased in intensity as Bailey leaned against the railings of the balcony, focusing on keeping herself calm as it finally dissipated.

That was the fifth one? No. More like around ten in the last hour.

Bailey knew what those cramps mean.

She was in labor.

Straightening back up, Bailey retreated back into the room, sitting on the bed and called for one of the guards to bring her the midwife and palace physician. Explaining to him, in small detail, what she was experiencing.

He nodded, "Do you wish for the Pharaoh to be summoned as well, my Queen?"

"No. No need to worry him for the moment." Bailey said, "If the need arises, I'll let you know."

The guard wanted to argue, she could see it in his eyes and he opened his mouth to speak but decided against it, and bowed, exiting the room swiftly.

She smirked, the poor guy didn't know how to approach a pregnant woman, but with his own wife beginning to show in her pregnancy that Bailey was certain he would manage just fine, after all, he was dealing with her as much as Bes was.

It was sort of entertaining in a way.

She rubbed her swollen belly and smiled, "Anytime soon, eh kiddo?"

She was greeted with a kick to the ribs.

"Ugh, thanks kid."

Bailey paced the room, her mind going a mile a minute, her heart thumping madly in her chest.

If the midwife and doctor say that she wasn't in labor Bailey could already feel the sting of  disappointment.

She honestly just wanted to get this pregnancy done and over with.

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