Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sarah McLellan stared down at Bailey with contempt brimming her very being. This woman was absolutely insane. In that very moment Bailey feared for her life.

"Why are you getting your revenge on me?" Bailey asked through gritted teeth. "My mother is dead, has been for awhile."

"Your whore of a mother may have passed but as they say the apple does not fall far from the tree." Sarah smiled wickedly, practically feeling the anger radiating off of her. Bailey could tell that this insane bitch was enjoying every moment of this.

And all Bailey wanted to do was kick her teeth in. Why she couldn't remember her from back home was beyond her. She wondered if she couldn't remember one of her mother's ex-colleagues just how much more would she lose? Would she forget everything that she held dear back in her time? The thought alone caused tears to prick her eyes.

Bailey ground her teeth, willing the unwanted tears down, as she glared up at the insane woman in from of her. "You don't know my mother, you stupid twit. Nor do you know me."

Sarah threw her head back and laughed, circling around the young woman like she was a lion hunting its prey, before continuing on with her taunting. "Now, tell me, what would your mother think if she knew that her only daughter fell in love with an abusive, power-hungry bastard of a king from a time long past? Especially knowing full well that your actions could drastically change the future? Not to mention, if you displease the Pharaoh in any way, shape, or form that you could very well end up losing your life. Your mother was an historian was she not, hmm? She must be rolling in her grave right now."

Bailey closed her eyes, trying not to do something stupid and lash out at the one who held her life in the palms of her dirty hands. When she didn't answer she felt a sharp, stinging pain striking the left side of her face. It didn't take a scientist to figure out that Sarah had struck her.

"Answer me when I'm speaking to you!"

Her breathing ragged, Bailey refused to answer. Sarah could hit her all she wanted, she wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing the effect that she had on her.

In her peripheral vision Bailey felt a little triumphant when she noticed a tick forming in Sarah's jaw.

"You know that I'm right. Your mother wouldn't be too thrilled if she found out, would she? Deny any feelings for the Pharaoh as much as you want. It changes nothing!"

"As I recall, you are the one who transported me here. So, if anything transpires in the future because of this, you are fully responsible for the fuck up."

Anger flared in the depths of the woman's dark blue eyes, however, it was gone in an instant when the ceiling rumbled. Dirt and rocks fell from it and Bailey couldn't help but take note of how an evil smirk formed on her dark coloured lips.

Quickly, Sarah reached into a hidden pocket of the dress she wore and pulled out a gold chain with half of a gold and blue jeweled scarab attached to the end of it and placed it into the lock hole of the cell that Bailey was in. Bailey barely had enough time to do anything as Sarah came in, roughly dragging her to her feet. Her body was weak, too weak to put up a proper fight, so to try and escape the grasp that Sarah had her was futile.

"We have guests, my precious Queen. I'm sure you would like to see your future husband would you not?" Sarah inquired gleefully, not caring for the well-being of the younger woman as she continued to haul her up the stairs. Bailey cried out in pain as her head viciously met with the underside of the jagged, low-lying limestone entrance to their hiding place.

Black spotted her vision, she blinked several times, trying to regain her vision but as she was thrown roughly onto the hot sand and rocks Bailey's vision blurred more.

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