Chapter Nine

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Bes watched intently as both his Royal Court member and Bailey had a conversation. He could not see Mahina's expression from where he was, but the angered look lingering in Bailey's eyes were enough for Bes' curiosity to spike.

He watched as Bailey rubbed angrily at her face once Mahina left her to her own thoughts and she turned her back to him, leaning against the railings. His anger flared slightly, just what exactly was spoken that would cause such animosity between the two?

Excusing himself from the table, Bes made his way to Mahina who had gone into the main hallway. When he called her name, she halted, looking at him with a startled expression.

Immediately she bowed. "My King. To what do I owe the honour of your attention?"

"Rise." He commanded. "What was said between both you and Bailey that would cause such a reaction?"

"May I ask to what you are referring, my liege?"

Bes' patience was wearing thin, his eyes narrowing, "You may be my elder but I am no fool. Now, what was said?"

"I told her that her presence may cause a disturbance and that she should be careful in what she does here, my King." She replied after a moment of silence.

Anger flooded through his veins and without fully realizing what was happening, until a resounding slap could be heard followed by a yelp of surprise and pain, he had struck Mahina. Glancing down at her, Bes noticed tears welling up in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip to keep from speaking out of turn, her chest heaving.

He should have felt bad. He should have apologized for his actions. Would he? No. He had been taught to never show compassion. It was a weakness that would always be used against him. It was a mistake that he would never make again.

"How dare you," he growled out. "You do not have the authority to tell her of things that may never come to pass. Do not be so bold to think that you be on the receiving end of my anger, Mahina. Get out of my sight, wench."

"Y-yes, My King." She replied shakily, bowing. "It will not happen again."

"Indeed it will not. Get out of my sight!"

With graceful haste, Mahina headed down the corridor. Bes sighed as he saw her disappear around the corner and after a moment or two he himself went to find Bailey and speak with her.

It wasn't hard for him to find her as she was still in the same place that she was before, this time, however, a beautiful melody that was her voice permeated his mind. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open slightly as he observed the young woman before him. After she had began humming he stepped forward, clearing his throat.

Bailey jumped, whirling around to face him. Her face turned a soft shade of pink. "H-How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to learn that you were bestowed with the voice of a goddess." His voice was almost a whisper as he stepped closer to her, hands clasped behind his back. "What were you singing?"

"It was a Gaelic song that my mother used to sing to me whenever I was upset. It is called Be Strong, My Love, For I Am With You." She chuckled, "A long title, I know, but it'd be shorter in the actual language that it was written in."

He regarded her for a few moments before he spoke. "It would not surprise me if the words uttered by Mahina would cause anything but turmoil. Please accept my apologies. It will not happen again."

Bailey's jaw dropped slightly. "Okay..." She said after a moment of stunned silence.

Bes' brow rose in confusion. "Is this all the gratitude that will be bestowed upon me, woman? Speak! What is the matter?"

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