Chapter 4: Getting in to the swing of things

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Authors note: So I skip a tiny bit of time here but nothing big. I'm thinking about letting the boys in the chapter but ill see how it goes as I type.

Asking Emma to stay with me was probably one of the most normal things I've done since I've been here. It was a month ago today when I asked Em to move in with me. We have done some pretty crazy stuff, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. Remember that job I got as a singer? Well, usually I just sand the songs they gave me, but since I've started school I've made a few songs. The classes I've been taking have helped me tremendously and my teacher is quite impressed with my songwriting skills.

So one night everyone was out on the dancefloor as I was singing a semi fast tempo song. Of course, being me, I decided to take a leap of faith and abruptly shoved my music in front of the band for them to play. As soon as they figured it out I waited for the lyrical part to come in and I started singing. Everyone began dancing around, and this one old and very in love couple stole the show by twirling around. At the end of my song I hold out a long note and as I did he dipped her and then kissed her. Even after all these years they were still so in love and it was so romantic.

You see, I don't want a fairy tale ending, or a Romeo and Juliet love story where they died for each other. To me, they were just two idiots that couldn't figure out CPR for their lives, literally! I agree with the saying "it's not about Romeo and Juliet who died together, but for grandma and grandpa who grew old together." In my opinion, there is nothing more sweet than that.

Anyway, back on track. At first, I thought I was going to get fired because I didn't stick to the songs I was given but when my boss saw everyone break in to a standing ovation he couldn't. In fact, I ended up getting promoted, with a raise! Crazy right? Everyone kept asking the boss for which nights i was coming so now I just come every night except for Sunday for either a long or short period of time. So many people say I need to get signed, but I think they are crazy.

Also, Emma has a job at Starbucks. One day her and a few co-workers were cleaning up after hours. Emma was cleaning out the blender when she accidentally hit the on button and coffee stuff went everywhere! After it hit one if her coworkers they had a full fledge Starbucks food fight, she came he covered in whip cream and chocolate drizzle. Lets just say it was definitely something to see her walk in like that.

As for school? It's going great. Emma and I are both some of the best in our classes and we are making our way up. Next week we are auditioning together for this huge musical. Rumor has it that if the musical does well here in London, then the main cast will get to fly to the states and perform on Broadway! If that's true, and we make it, this could be our big break we have been wanting. Obviously, we aren't getting our hopes up for our big break to come just a month after we started music school. But we can dream, right?

Right now I'm setting in guitar class and I'm about to present my new song. "Alright, next up is Lainey Collins." As I approached the stage I could sense everyone set up straighter in their seats. Why, I don't know. "Alright, I'll be performing my own new song called Breakeven." (Break even is really owned by the script but just pretend)

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing

Just prayed to my God that I firmly believe in

Cause I've got time while she's got freedom

But when a heart breaks, it don't break even....

As the song began I became more focused. I put everything I had in to that presentation. If I didn't do good than I couldn't audition for the musical next week. I hadn't even realized I had closed my eyes until the song ended and I heard everyone applaud. Half of the people in my class were clapping with there mouths open in, was that awe? Or was I that bad? The other half were whistling away and shouting encore. It was quite the thrill honestly.

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