Chapter 2:

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Authors note: so I skipped time to when Lainey and her friends are all at the airport! Thanks to everyone who has even bothered with this story. Frat chapters might not be the best but "just hang in there". Haha see what I did there? No, okay ill shut up now....

Lainey's P.O.V

I can't believe this is actually happening right now. Am I supposed to feel this many emotions at once? Oh bloody hell, I never knew these goodbyes would be so hard. Right now I'm at the airport trying to say goodbye to my parents, Elliot, and my two best friends in th whole entire world. Difficult, huh?

"Don't forget to call us at LEAST once a week, got it hon?" My mom was able to say this through her sobs. She was making it vey difficult for me not to cry. "Mom, don't worry I'll be back for the holidays before you know it." I was trying to convince her to see the bright side, yeah it wasn't working out to well.... "Honey, just know that we love you and take care, alright?" That was dad trying to be strong but up you could see his eyes glistening with tears.

"I promise." I managed to say with such a firm tone I even shocked myself when seconds ago I could barely get my voice above a whisper, in fear of it cracking. My parents the took a step back.

Next goodbye, Elliot. Even though, he claimed he wouldn't cry all these last few weeks, we even joked about being happy to get away from each others annoyingness, you could see he was barely making it. He may be tough, and we may fight, but when it comes down to it we rely on each other. He squeezed me in to a huge bear hug, and just as thought my lungs would collapse, he released me. He then grabbed my face and made sure I was looking directly at him.

"You behave yourself missy, got it? No getting drunk at college parties, or doing drugs. If I find out you did them I will kill you." I just laughed at that. " Next thing, your going to London where many boys are." Oh boy, over protective mode activated. " you need to focus on your studies this year, not boys. Plus I'm too far away from you to beat them up or to give you approval of them for you , so don't even think about boys, missy." Really he didn't even have to say this I agreed with him on focusing on my studies. The only way I would date a boy this year is if he really did have that affect on me, you know? "You know brother, you don't have to worry about boys. Firstly, I agree that I need to focus on my studies. Second all the girls in London are probably ten times pretty then me anyway. It's not like I'm anything special." I wasn't insecure I just knew my limits. "Hey, any boy would be stupid not to realize you are something special, so don't say that. And secondly, thank The Lord you agree with me on that because I didn't want to get in to a discussion on that 5 minutes before you left." Elliot said while chuckling. After one last squeeze he stepped back too.

"I'm gonna miss you both so much!" Amber managed to say while trying to control her breathe from crying so hard. "Aww, me to girlies, please don't forget me." That was Hope who also just collapsed in to another round if tears. At the rate their going this whole place will be flooded. "Girls, look at me." They both looked up, and when they saw how serious I was they both stopped sobbing waiting for me to continue, while controlling their hiccups. " we will Skype, text, anything you can think of to stay in tuch with each other. We have been best friends sense we were little and distance isn't going to break that, understand?" They bith nodded. " Come on, one last group hug." We huddled together and ill admit, a few tears somehow penetrated through my closed eyelids and slid down my cheek, hitting the floor kinda of like what my friends hearts seemed to be doing.

"Flight 207 to New York, flight 735 to Australia, and Flight 394 to London are now boarding." This was it. We seperates whispered a few promise to each other and then started walking off in different directions. As I steeled on the plane I couldn't help but let the excitement and joy of going to my dream college seep back in. I mean, why was I so upset? It wasn't like I was saying goodbye forever. In fact I was seeing all of them in 3 or 4 months for the holidays! Yeah, I could do this. Right now I just have to focus in making my way to the top in school.

Here I go off to college... Even thought thought I was on my way to just become a great student. I was absolutely clueless to just how far my talents in the music industry was going to go......

Authors note: well that's the second chapter! Tell me how it was. Sorry about typos but I'm not going back through and fixing all of them so..... Please vote, comment, fan, and spread the word on my book please? It's the not way I can get people to read it!!

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