Author's Note

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So hello everyone! This authors note is rather important so please read for the sake of the story. Thanks! Anyway this note concerns the over all plot of the whole story. No, I'm not going to give any spoilers, so don't worry/don't ask.

1). How do you guys feel about drama? Personally I sometimes like drama sometimes I don't. Just depends on the type of drama. In most stories I don't like to read the kind where the female and male character are already dating by one of the first chapters and the book is like 100 chapters. No, I don't mean to offend any writers that have done it, cause I actually read some of those every now and then if the writer knows what they are doing.

However, the kind if drama I DO enjoy is where the characters have many adventures, and mishaps throughout, and there is a big climax before they get together. To me, writing about a couple nice they are together just seems boring. That's just me though so again please don't take any personal offense. This would be the kind of drama I would be using.

2)How much do you guys like Emma, Hope, Amber, Libby, and Collin? I was thinking of somewhere throughout to maybe involve just a few short chapters in like Hope and Ambers P.O.V's to show what's going on in their lives. Obviously, during Christmas time you'll be seeing a bit of Amber and Libby since they are spending Christmas with Lainey and Emma.

Speaking of Emma this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! As a rather young and inexperienced author I don't know how well I will be able to balance too many P.O.V's. Especially the boys. Anybody tha has written a 1D fanfics knows the difficulty of having to balance the amount you use each boy's P.O.V and how much they interact though out the story. But I'm trying I promise. But back to Emma. As you have discovered Emma is more of an instrument player, and Lainey is actress/singer. So that means their careers could go in seperate directions. Would you be too upset if Emma wasn't a main character for a while in the book? I would still talk of her once and while, but she wouldn't actually be with Lainey.

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment! Love you all and thanks for reading.

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