Authors note: 2 hour delay for school tomorrow so here is the update! Love u all and thanks for reading and I decided to add either book/song quotes at the beginning/ end of every chapter if I remember. Down in the comments let me know what song/book the quote is from and ill dedicate a chapter to you. Just make sure u r the first to comment!
🌀They'll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.🌀
Lainey's P.O.V
"And in today's news, once again the celebrities are taking over NYC for the holidays. Today, just 9 days till Christmas we already have One Direction here on the scene. Today they were in Time Square for a little bit of tour promoting. Not only were they promoting their album, but they started talking about the New York's "broadway babes," Lainey Potter and Emma Skye, Secret Santa Project. The boys officially confirmed that they are going to be collaborating with these two girls over the holidays to help the children in need across the states, and different parts of the world.
"Word has spread that other celebrities will be heading to the city for not only the Rockin New Year's Eve, but for Christmas too. Justin Timberlake tweeted out just last night about being anxious to get to show his family around the Big Apple this Christmas. Rapper Chris Brown is also making a quick stop here. Along with many artist who just want to catch a quick glimpse of the city this holiday season; Rihanna, Katy Perry, R5, Bruno Mars, Snoop Dog, etc."
Click. I turned the TV off as the news segment began to wrap up.
"So we are the "Broadway Babes, aye?" Emma questioned with clear conceitedness in her tone. I didn't even have to bother looking at her face to know her expression. The one side of her lip will turn up in a smirk, and her eyes will be glossy with mischievous. Don't get me wrong, Em doesn't let fame go to her head, but when you are referred to as a babe on national television you might get a little too prided in yourself.
"Wipe that smirk off your face," I used my ninja-like reflexes to quickly grab a pillow off the couch and throw it at her face before she could even react. It hit her square in the mouth, just where I wanted it to.
"Yeah, bullseye. Did everybody see that? Because I will not be doing that again," I quoted the best pirate of all time, aka Jack Sparrow, then sprinted towards the door before Em could get her hands on me.
"You are so dead Potter! You aren't going to be as lucky as your brother Harry!" She threatened me, although she was still a good bit behind me. I chuckled at her reference to my favorite book series, but didn't even think of slowing down. Luckily, she gave up and we calmly walked the rest of the way to our car when we reached the lobby.
"What's on the agenda to day Ms.Skye?" I inquired because I honestly had no clue.
"Huh," she sighed," Will you ever learn to check your schedule? Never mind, don't answer that. Anyway, today we have a commercial shoot for Christmas sales as Macy's. Then we go straight to the theatre for dress rehearsal, and tonight's showing of Les Misérables." Emma listed off our schedule like the back of her hand.
"How on earth you remember our schedule day-by-day ill never know." She just shrugged and kicked on the radio. We jammed out the rest of the way to the photo/ commercial shoot for Macy's while people at the stop lights looked at us like we belonged at the nut house when we bopped our heads to the beat.
Emma's P.O.V (why not?)
Poor Lainey will be so lost if our careers go off in different directions. But I really don't want to think about that right now. The make-up lady was busy applying my make-up and finishing my hair for the shoot. The thought of not being with Lainey for the next part of my career is hard to grasp.
She became my new best friend, other than Liz who is back in Austarlia, from day 1 of college. We shared a place, helped each other through our first few months of college; late night cramming, cleaning the place, cooking, and just helping each other in everything in general. Don't get me wrong, we were both independent enough to take care of ourselves, but it's always good to have a shoulder to lean on. And I think that's why "Lean On Me" became our song for our friendship; it summed us up.
Lainey was also there for the beginning of my actual career, and as everyone in the public puts it, my rise to fame. That's something Liz wasn't able to be here for. I'm not mad at her for that, but that will just be the one step in my life Lainey was there on, not Liz. That's the thing about life though; Change is drastic, but not overnight.
Take your friends throughout school for example. You never just stopped being friends overnight, unless they are completely bipolar, but it was a slow drift. That's the worst pain; the one that is like cancer. The pain sneaks up on you, and by the time you catch it snooping, it's already got the most important information; the keys to kill you.
"Emma stop frowning, it's not good for your skin," she make-lady advises me. I awoke from my thoughts and mumbled a sorry under my breath. I straightened my face out and snuck a glance at Lainey. Turns out she was already looking at me. Once I caught her eye she gave me the look that said "tell me what you were thinking about later." Trying to tell her no was relentless, so I just nodded and turned back to the mirror.
Five minutes later we were both ready and they sent us on our way.
"Time for pictures!" Lainey chimed as we strutted over to the shoot area.
"Aw girls, you look wonderful!" The director gushed as he hugged us both. Then a few workers came and positioned us for the photos.
"Beautiful smiles girls! Now change positions. We will start the fan for wind blow effect in a minute." The camer guy directed. Lainey and I both changed poses and continued to work it the best we could.
"Chin higher, Lainey," a worker off to the side instructed her. Lainey obeyed and tilted her chin the slightest bit so the light was now hitting more of her left cheek of her face. A lot of perfecting, changing, smiling, and an hour and a half later we were done. The director complimented us and everyone thanked us for our time. Both Lainey and I sprinted back to the dressing room to get back in to our sweats and head to dress rehearsals.
"Aw, this is why I love sweats. They are so much more comfortable than jeans," I sighed contentedly as I put my sweats on after wearing jeans for the shoot for the last 2 hours or so.
"And we are off to dress rehearsals!" Lain shouted as she swung open the door of the dressing room. One thing down, two to go....
A/N: don't forget to comment on where the quote is from. Tell me if it is a book or song, the title of it, and either the singer/ person who said the quote if you can. Love you all and sorry for any typos! At least you have somewhat of an update, right?
Louis: You call that an update? Yeah right.
Me: Louis, shut up. Where did u even come from?
Louis: I'm the sass-masta I go where I want, when I want.
Me: go away now, or ill kill you off. How about that?
Louis: I'm going! But not because you told me to or anything ( quickly turns and sprints as fast as he can). Hazza save me!
Me: I'm sorry- he is just- and um- yeah....

Just hang in there! ON HIATUS
FanfictionOne Direction need new talent. So where does Lainey come in? Lainey Potter is a unique girl. Who has a great voice and is awesome on the guitar and piano. She is finally going to get to live her dream when she gets accepted to the music school in...