The Test

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The day started out as any typical day as Katy was getting ready for work. Maya was already off to school and Katy was up early to enjoy her morning cup of coffee with Shawn, just like they always did. The pair were standing out on the balcony when suddenly Katy felt herself becoming ill.

She quickly ran back inside to the bathroom and immediately began throwing up. Shawn soon followed after her, his face overcome with worry when he saw his wife bent over the toilet in pain. He pulled back her hair and gently rubbed her back for comfort.

“Babe, what's wrong? Is it something you ate?” asked Shawn.

“I don't know, I was fine when I woke up this morning. This just came out of nowhere.” she replied. Katy realized that she would have to call in sick at work, which she hated doing. She hoped that whatever this was would pass as soon as possible.

“You wait right here. I'm gonna go get you some water.” Shawn told her.

“Okay, honey.” Katy managed a smile as she glanced up at her loving husband. She knew she'd be just fine with Shawn there to take care of her.

Shawn came back with the water and held the bottle for her while she took a few sips. “Better?” he asked.

“A little. I think I just wanna lay down now.” she said. Shawn nodded, lifted her up, and carried her to their bedroom.

When they got to the room, he helped her put her pajamas back on and tucked her in to bed. Shawn got in to bed with her and held her close. He hated seeing her sick and not her usual cheerful, bubbly self. In his mind he thought about what could possibly be wrong. He thought it could be food poisoning but Katy insisted that wasn't the case.

There was silence for a while until Shawn spoke up again.  “ don't think that maybe you might you?”

Katy didn't answer at first, her mind racing at a mile a minute. “N- no. I can't be. If I were pregnant my period would've been late and I-” she stopped herself mid sentence. She remembered now that her cycle was late but she didn't think anything of it at the time, considering it's happened before due to stress.

“What? What is it?” Shawn asked, clearly concerned.

“I'm late, nauseous, and my back has been killing me. The only time I've had these symptoms all together like this was once..15 years ago.” Katy searched his eyes for a reaction.

Shawn took a deep breath. “Okay, let's not jump to any conclusions just yet. We'll head down to Walgreens really quick and get you a pregnancy test. Just to be sure.” his voice was calm and careful.

He could tell that Katy was nervous because she wouldn't look him in the eye and she was anxiously tapping her legs. “Hey, look at me “ said Shawn, gently lifting her chin so their eyes met. “Everything’s gonna be okay. I promise you.” Katy knew in her heart that she could trust every word he said and she felt calm again.

The nausea went away and they were now headed to the store. Katy slipped on one of Shawn’s sweatshirts, put her hair in a messy bun and she was ready to go. Right before they were out the door, Shawn pulled Katy in for a hug.

“I love you.” he said softly as he brushed his lips against her forehead.

“I love you too.” she said and she meant those words with everything in her.

As they were walking down the street, Shawn held onto Katy's hand, to assure that she was as close to him as possible. He realized that he was already becoming more protective of her and they didn't even know the results yet.

Katy thoughts wandered to the very real possibility that she was pregnant. There was no doubt that Katy wanted another baby. She wanted to have Shawn’s baby. They had even discussed it before.

However, it wasn't supposed to happen this soon. There was no way that they'd be able to raise a baby in the tiny 2 bedroom apartment they were living in now and they didn't have the finances to move into a bigger apartment quite yet. There was so much to think about and all Katy could do was pray that everything would work out.

The couple entered the automatic doors of the local Walgreens and headed down an aisle to the pregnancy tests. When they found them, Katy stood frozen for a moment, not saying a word. “You okay, sweetheart?” inquired Shawn, rubbing her arm.
“Yeah, I'm fine” she said, and she grabbed 6 boxes from the shelf.

Shawn crinkled his brows in confusion. “Do you really need all of those?”

His question was quickly answered by the look Katy gave him and he decided it was probably best not to ask anymore questions.

While they were there,  Katy also got a big bag of Cheeto puffs and a strawberry soda. Shawn couldn't help but smile and shake his head in disbelief of just how much he loved his wife. 

An older woman rang them up at the checkout counter. As she was ringing up the tests, she seemed to give Katy a knowing glance and a smile. Katy smiled back at her and the excitement of possibly being pregnant began to set in.

On their way back to the apartment, reality hit Shawn like a bolt of lightning.  There was a pretty good chance that he would be a father soon and although he was nervous, he was more excited than anything else.

Shawn was grinning from ear to ear and he didn't even realize it until Katy said something. “Whatcha smiling about, honey?”

“You. Life. Picturing you and I raising a kid together.” he said. Katy held his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I'm thinking about it too. And I'm actually getting excited. How about you?”

“I'm excited.” he admits with a smile.


Back at the apartment, Katy went right into the bathroom with the boxes of pregnancy tests. She took one out of the bag and took a deep breath, closing her eyes to take it all in. She did what she had to do and waited for the results.

The woman nervously paced back and forth in the bathroom while she waited. Meanwhile, Shawn was doing the same outside the door. Five minutes went by and the results were in.

Two pink lines appeared on the test confirming that Katy was indeed pregnant. She took the other tests she bought. All positive. When she took the final test, this time a digital one, she cried out with excitement as that one simple word flashed on the tiny screen: Pregnant.

This was the moment that everything would change for the Hunter family forever, a new little life would be coming into the world and their world would never be the same. She called out to Shawn and he came racing in. With a huge smile in her face she showed him the test. “Honey, they're all positive. I'm pregnant!”

Shawn was speechless for a moment and happy tears were falling from his eyes. “Pregnant. We-we're gonna have a baby?” he said incredulously.

She nodded. “You're gonna be a daddy.” Katy added excitedly. He embraced her small frame in his arms, picking her up off the ground slightly, and passionately kissed her lips. There was nothing else they could do, their hearts were just so filled with nothing but pure joy in that moment.

“I'll have to schedule a doctor's appointment just to be 100% sure, but these tests are the most accurate.” she said, “And then, of course Maya will be the first one to know” Katy remembered how much Maya always wanted to be a big sister and she was happy that another dream of hers would be coming true.

“Right. Of course.” Shawn replied as they walked out into the living room. Shawn sat down first on the couch and patted his lap for Katy to sit. She sat down on his lap and he lovingly wrapped his arms around her. Katy stared into his eyes and held his gaze for a moment before leaning forward to connect her lips with her husband's.

“Everything will be okay, right?” she asked him.

“Yes. I'm here with you every step of the way and we'll figure this out just like we always do.” he assured her.

Shawn glanced down, he hesitated at first, but then placed a hand on Katy's tummy. Overcome with emotion, she smiled proudly and placed her hand over his. Shawn began tearing up again, “We'll all be okay.” he added softly.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now