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The ride back from the cemetery was fairly quiet except for the radio until Shawn turned down the music and spoke up. “If you guys don't mind, I wanna stop by the park where I used to hang out a lot.” he said.

“We don't mind at all, honey” replied Katy.

Maya was so preoccupied by her phone that she didn't even hear the question. She was texting Josh, who was inviting her to a party.

Josh: Hey, my friend is throwing a party later on tonight, nothing too big, just a few friends hanging out. Wanna come with?

Maya: Yeah sure, sounds good.

Now all she had to do was convince Riley to come too. Maya forgot where she was for a moment when they stopped the car at the local park. She looked down at her camera which thankfully still had plenty of film left, the perfect spot for picture taking.

Shawn and Katy walked into the park arm in arm while Maya walked a little further behind them, snapping away with her camera. Shawn was so entranced by his wife, she looked at him with those beautiful brown eyes that glowed in the evening sunlight. He loved the way her smile grew wider whenever she noticed him admiring her.

It was then that he decided the moment was perfect. They stopped while Shawn got something out of his pocket. It was a shiny silver necklace in the shape of a heart with a beautiful smooth black stone in the middle.

“When I was younger, my dad gave me this necklace. It was his mother's. He told me to save it and someday give it to the love of my life. Well, Katy, that someday is now because as you already know, you are the absolute love of my life.”

Katy smiled brightly as Shawn put the necklace on her. She beamed at the precious piece of jewelry.

“Shawn, this is so beautiful. I love it and I love you so much.” She wrapped her arms around him and tenderly kissed his lips. Maya smiled proudly as she was able to capture the entire moment in photos.

While Maya went to take photos of statues in the park, Katy and Shawn sat together on a bench watching the sunset.

“I used to come here all the time, most of the time just to think or to escape when my dad was drinking or my parents were fighting. I'd come out here and imagine another world for myself. Sometimes it'd be these elaborate daydreams about me living in a castle in some faraway land where nothing could ever  hurt me. Or, it'd be as simple as having two parents that loved each other and loved me.” Shawn looked towards the sunset as he confessed this all to Katy.

“Back in New York, I would escape too whenever Kermit was drinking. I'd take Maya with me, of course. There was this little candy shop right down the street that she loved so I'd take her there and let her pick out some candy for herself and a small toy. Sometimes I'd take her to the park and push her on the swings for as long as she wanted. That was our escape.” Tears fell from Katy's eyes as she recalled the memory.

Shawn wiped the tears from Katy's eyes, he lifted her chin so she was facing him. “Hey, that's in the past now, right? No more escaping because we have each other.”

Katy smiled. “Right. No more escaping.” “You're my escape.” she added in a whisper.

Little did they know that their own fifteen year old daughter would be planning a little escape of her own later that night.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now