Meeting His Past

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As usual, Shawn was up before the sun the next morning. The entire house was still quiet and calm. He went downstairs to discover that Alan Matthews was already awake as well.

The elder Matthews sat at the kitchen table reading a newspaper. He looked up from his paper with a smile once he saw Shawn. “Morning Shawn. Coffee's already made if you'd like a cup.” he said.

Shawn nodded and made himself a cup. He sat down with Alan at the table, staring off into the distance, not really looking at anything in particular. “You must have a lot on your mind” said Alan, snapping Shawn out of his daydream.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that” replied Shawn, taking a sip of his coffee.

Everything had changed in his life in such a short amount of time. He had changed in so many ways and he had a family to think about now. The man often wondered if his father would be proud of what he's accomplished.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” asked Alan, putting his paper down.

Shawn looked down at his cup, he hesitated for a moment. “Well, being back in Philadelphia brings back a lot of memories. And every time I visit here, I can't help but think about my dad.”

“I know that must be tough, especially now that you have a family. It's okay to think about him, Shawn. It's okay to think about what could have been.” said Alan.

“Thanks, Alan. I'm thinking I want to open up to Katy and Maya about him. I never really have before. At least not completely.”

“That's a good idea, son. I think you'll feel a lot better once you do that.” Alan gave him a pat on the back for encouragement.


The sun was up, which meant the rest of the family was waking up along with it. After Amy, the next ones up were Cory and Topanga. Shawn laughed at the fact that the couple were wearing matching silk pajamas.

“Oh, don't you say a word, Hunter! This was all Cory's idea. I don't know why I went along with it." said Topanga.

“Whatever you say.” Shawn joked.

“We can get you a pair too, if you'd like.” said Cory.

Shawn laughed. “No thanks, Cor. I'm good.” Cory simply shrugged his shoulders.

Topanga went straight to the cabinets to start making breakfast for everyone. They were having Belgian waffles, eggs, and bacon.

“Make the waffles just how we like them, honey. Slathered in butter and drowning in syrup!” said Cory. Topanga playfully rolled her eyes in response.

“Are the kids still asleep?” said Amy as Katy came downstairs.

“Yes, ma'am. They're all knocked out. Must have had a late night.” said Katy.

Amy shook her head in disapproval. “I told them not to stay up too late. And Josh is supposed to be setting an example.” She went to the top of the stairs and shouted “Kids! If you're not up and downstairs at this table in five minutes you're not getting any breakfast!”

Two minutes later, they all dragged themselves down the stairs one by one. First Maya, followed by a very sleepy Riley who held onto her, then Josh with Auggie on his back.

“Good morning, kids” said Amy in a chipper tone.

“Grandma, it's too early. I need more sleep.” groaned Auggie.

“I guess you all should've thought about that before you decided to stay up until the wee hours of the morning” Amy pointed out.

“Yeah but Uncle Josh said it was okay.” replied Auggie. Amy glared at Josh and he looked away innocently.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now