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Katy woke up to her husband's arms around her and the peaceful sound of rain tapping against the window. She was off work that day, and she deservingly slept in. Shawn was already awake, casually flipping through the channels on the TV.

“Morning, sunshine.” he said when he saw her eyes open.

“Morning, handsome.” she replied as she sat up in bed.

Shawn held her hand and glanced down at her growing belly. He hesitated before finally asking “Can I talk to the baby?” This was his first time asking and it took Katy by surprise but it was a beautiful surprise.

“Of course, honey” she said.

He then proceeded to lift her shirt, she got chills when he touched her. Shawn leaned in close and softly said “Hi, baby, this is your daddy. You're growing so much already, mommy and I can't wait to meet you. Daddy loves you so much.” he finished with a kiss on her tummy.

Katy smiled down at Shawn, running her fingers through his hair. “That was so sweet, Shawn.” she said.

Shawn was already proving himself to be such a caring, loving father and she was so glad that she was having his baby. It felt so right, like it was always meant to be.

“Thanks” he said and he kissed her lips. “So what do you wanna do today?”

“More of this.” replied Katy, rolling over on top of him and once again crashing her lips onto his.

Shawn stared into her eyes knowing he was looking at his entire universe. There was no where else in the world either of them would rather be than with each other.

A little while later, Shawn got out of bed and prepared two cups of tea for them. When he walked back to the room, his breath was taken away by how much Katy looked like an angel just laying there waiting for him. She looked over at him and smiled, his heart melted right then and there.

“Here you go, babe” he said as he handed her the tea.

“Thanks” she replied, “so, movie day?”

“Sounds good to me” said Shawn as he got back in bed with her.

They decided to watch Katy’s favorite movie “Back to the Future” since they both loved the entire trilogy. Shawn loved seeing the way her face lit up when he suggested they watch it.

“So, I know the baby will be here sooner than we think, and you've been talking about planning the baby shower as well. Do you have an idea of who you'd like to invite?” inquired Shawn. He chose to ask this because Katy never really talked about her family much and he had to admit he was curious.

“The entire Matthews family, of course. Some friends from work, my mom if she even wants to come, and my aunt will probably come with her,  your brother Jack? and whoever else wants to be invited, I guess.” her answer was quick, suggesting she didn't really want to get into it, but Shawn felt it needed to be discussed.

Shawn Hunter was the type of person who knew all about complicated family situations so he never pushed Katy to talk about hers. He had only met her mother once, after the wedding, and although they were civil, you could cut the tension with a knife. She didn't speak much about her father, except that her parents were separated, and he lived in Tennessee where her family was from.

“Katy, look, I'm gonna get right to it. We've known each other for quite a while now, we're married, and we're about to have a baby. That seems like the sort of the thing you'd wanna share with your family as well. Both of your parents are alive, so what's the deal?”

She sighed heavily while she searched her mind for the proper response. Katy was quickly realizing the subject couldn't be avoided for much longer. “I haven't spoken to my father in 11 years.” she confessed.

“Why?” asked Shawn.

“Honestly, I really don't feel like talking about it right now.” she said. Shawn could tell from her tone that it was a sensitive situation so he didn't pry any further,

“Okay, that's fine. We are going to eventually talk about it though..” he reminded.

Katy didn't respond. Little did she know, Shawn was planning to do a little investigating of his own. If there's one thing he couldn't stand, it was a dead beat father. He didn't know if that was exactly the case for Katy, but he would definitely find out.

It was time to pay Ms. Angela Hart a visit.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now