The Miracle

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After arriving in the emergency room, Shawn spoke with a nurse and they waited for the doctor on call. 

As they sat in the waiting area, Maya leaned her head on her mother's shoulder while Shawn sat on the other side, holding her hand. “How's the pain? Any better or worse?” asked Shawn.

“About the same. I feel this tight pressure around my pelvis and I - I think I'm bleeding a little” replied Katy.

Shawn kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand for comfort. “Hopefully this doctor doesn't take too long. I don't want you to be in any more pain”

Katy smiled softly. “I love you”

“I love you more” replied Shawn.

“Katy Hunter?” the nurse called out after they had been waiting a while.  They got up and followed the nurse to the examining room.

The doctor came in a few minutes later and Katy was slightly disappointed that it wasn't her regular OB, Dr. Robbins. This doctor was a man and introduced himself as Dr. Harris.

“Your regular doctor won't come in unless it's determined that you're going into labor” the doctor explained as he examined Katy and took her blood pressure. He placed a monitor on her belly to check the baby's heart rate and her contractions.

Katy explained everything that happened while the doctor checked on results.

“I see. I'm deeply sorry for what you've gone through tonight, Mrs. Hunter. Based on these results and the high stress volume you've been in, you are in fact going into preterm labor.” said Dr. Harris.

“So what does that mean?” asked Katy worriedly, still holding her husband's hand.

“Well, for starters we're going to get you officially admitted into the hospital. Then we'll get you started on IV fluids and medicine to relax your uterus and stop labor. If that works, you'll be sent home after an overnight observation.”

“And if it doesn't work?” inquired Shawn.

“We'll call your doctor and prepare to deliver your baby” replied Dr. Harris.

Katy inhaled deeply as she looked over at Shawn. “Deliver the baby? Can they do that? He's not ready yet. He needs to grow some more doesn't he?”

“Actually, since you're past the seven month mark with only four weeks until full term,we would be able to deliver the baby with little to no complications. He would be premature, but would only require a short stay in the NICU” informed Dr. Harris.

Katy nodded yet she couldn't help the worry in her heart. All she could think about was her baby boy.  Maya held her other hand and smiled warmly at her. “It's gonna be okay, Mom”

“Thanks, baby girl.” she replied.


Now checked into a room in labor and delivery, Katy was lying in the hospital bed hooked up to various monitors. Shawn and Maya sat on the couch near the bed. They attempted to distract themselves by watching the TV, but they were all still processing what had transpired within the past few hours.

Shawn focused his eyes on Katy, wishing there was more he could do to help her, hating himself for not coming to her rescue sooner than he did.

Katy looked over at him with a small smile, her eyes softened. “What's wrong, honey?”

Shawn stood up and sat in a chair closer to her, tears now forming in his eyes. “I'm sorry this happened to you, Katy. This is my fault. If I would've got to you sooner I could've-”

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now